The Mystic Warrior is a 1984 American TV movie about a band of Sioux and the efforts of one man to save his people from destruction through the use of mysterious powers handed down by ancestors. The movie was originally a nine hour mini-series entitled Hanta Yo to be aired in 1980, instead aired in 1984 as a five hour mini series with the new name. The movie was never released on VHS or DVD although it has been shown on cable TV where it failed to draw viewers away from such formidable competition as The Jeffersons, Alice and One Day at a Time.Synopsis
Set in the years 1802 to 1808, the finished film focused on a young brave named Ahbleza, the son of a Matho chief. Blessed with supernatural visionary powers by the ancient Mahto seer Wanagi, Ahbleza sets about to save his people from the devastations of the future, among them the invasion of the white man. After a lengthy, truth-seeking odyssey fraught with tragedy and sacrifice, Ahbleza assumes his rightful place as spiritual leader of his tribe.