The Quiet Ones is a 2014 British supernatural horror film directed by John Pogue. Released theatrically on 10 April 2014 in the United Kingdom and 25 April 2014 in the United States, the film stars Jared Harris as a college professor attempting to prove poltergeists are manifestations of the human psyche and not supernatural beings. The film is loosely based on the Philip experiment, a 1972 parapsychology experiment conducted in Toronto.Synopsis
A student attends the class of college professor Coupland, who wishes to prove that the supernatural does not exist. Coupland shows a video of a possessed boy and explains that research will be done to find a cure for this kind of disease. One of his students, Brian McNeil, is invited to film the experiment process and joins Coupland, his two assistants Krissi and Harry, and their subject Jane Harper, a young woman who generates strange phenomena and has been abandoned. Jane is generally kept locked in a room with loud rock music playing during the daytime to prevent her from sleeping in the hopes that the psychological agitation will result in increased activity.