The Strange Case of Clara Deane is a 1932 American Pre-Code drama film directed by Louis J. Gasnier and Max Marcin and written by Max Marcin. The film stars Wynne Gibson, Pat O'Brien, Dudley Digges, Frances Dee, George Barbier, Russell Gleason and Lee Kohlmar. The film was released on May 6, 1932, by Paramount Pictures.Synopsis
A Young Dress Designer Marries an insurance agent. They soon have a daughter, But what the wife doesn't know is that her husband is actually a criminal, who soon involves her-- unwittingly-- in robbery. Sentenced to prison, she gives up her baby for adoption. When she is released 15 years later, she set out to find her long-lost daughter. A police inspector get involved in her search and, for reasons of his own, tries to dissuade her from finding her child.