El vampiro (English: The Vampire) is a 1957 Mexican horror film, directed by Fernando Méndez. The film is about Marta, a young woman, who travels to her childhood village, only to find that one of her aunts is dead and another is under the influence of Mr. Duval, who later turns out to be a vampire whose name is the Count Karol de Lavud.
It is one of the first movies to show a vampire with elongated canines. Although F.W. Murnau's Nosferatu (Max Schrek) had elongated incisors; Tod Browning's Dracula (Bela Lugosi) did not show his teeth at all.
This film can therefore be seen as a link between the Universal and the Hammer presentations of vampires.Synopsis
Marta revient après des années d'absence dans l'hacienda familiale de la Sierra Negra. Mais c'est un retour bien funeste pour la jeune femme car sa tante bien-aimée est morte, emportée par une mystérieuse maladie. Accablée par le chagrin, Marta est inconsolable, et ne comprend que trop tard, qu'elle est la proie du Comte Duval, un vampire assoiffé de sang.