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Tomfoolery is a Allemand film of genre Comedy directed by Willi Forst with Renate Müller

Tomfoolery (1936)

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Length 1h34
Directed by
Genres Comedy
Rating67% 3.372573.372573.372573.372573.37257

Tomfoolery (German:Allotria) is a 1936 German comedy film directed by Willi Forst and starring Renate Müller, Jenny Jugo and Anton Walbrook. It premiered at the Gloria-Palast in Berlin on 12 June 1936. A pair of friends fall in love with the same woman, before realizing they are really in love with two other women. Racing to his romantic interest, one of the friends (Heinz Rühmann) takes by chance part in the Monaco Grand Prix.

Joseph Goebbels remarked: "Quite energetic and lively. But it's overdone and therefore not totally satisfying. Less would be more." (original: „Sehr flott und mit viel Tempo. Aber übertrieben an Effekten, und darum nicht ganz befriedigend. Weniger wäre mehr.“)


David, pilote, et Philipp, propriétaire terrien, sont des amis qui ont juré de ne jamais tomber amoureux de la même femme. Mais ils le deviennent en même temps de la vamp Aimée. Toutefois, les deux hommes aiment d'autres femmes en réalité. Cela aboutit à un carrousel de complications qui finit par former trois couples heureux.


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