Two Fists, One Heart is an 2008 Australian drama film directed by Shawn Seet and written by Rai Fazio, and is based on Fazio's own life growing up. The film is set and was shot in Perth, Western Australia. The film follows Anthony Argo, an Italian Australian boxer whose Sicilian father/trainer wants Anthony to pursue boxing but he forsakes it
when he meets Kate and perceives differently than his father the violence in the sport. She is a girl from the other side of the tracks. But Anthony reconsiders when his father's boxing student quits; Anthony begins to train much more than before in preparation for the biggest fight of his life.Synopsis
The film follows Anthony Argo, an Italian Australian boxer who is pushed by his Sicilian father and trainer to attain success in the ring. However, when he meets Kate, a girl from the other side of the tracks, he begins to see the violence of boxing differently and turns his back on his father's dreams to be with her. However, when one his father's students turns his back on him, Anthony begins to train harder than ever for the biggest fight of his life.