Ultimate Avengers 2 (also known as Ultimate Avengers 2: Rise of the Panther) is an animated action/science fiction film, superhero film and the sequel to Ultimate Avengers. It is loosely based on The Ultimates, the limited comic book series by Marvel Comics under the Ultimate Comics imprint. The film was released on August 8, 2006. The film premiered on Cartoon Network's Toonami block on October 21, 2006 with a TV-14 rating.Synopsis
T'Challa, the Prince of Wakanda, returns home to find his kingdom is being attacked by the alien Chitauri. Herr Kleiser, the alien shape-shifter who battled Captain America during World War II, kills T' Challa's father and seeks Wakanda's store of vibranium, the metal the Chitauri use to manufacture their ships and weapons. After becoming king and assuming the alias of the Black Panther, T' Challa seeks out Captain America. General Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. orders the Avengers to assemble, with the exception of Thor (who foresees a future in which the Avengers die in battle, which his father Odin confirms) and the Hulk who, as Bruce Banner, is interrogated and bullied in a cell.