Wings on her Shoulder is a 10-minute 1943 Canadian documentary film, made by the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) as part of the NFB's World in Action series. The film depicts the role of the Woman's Division in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) during the Second World War, who freed up men for flying duties.Synopsis
As the Second World War continues, the Canadian contribution to the Allied bombing campaign over occupied Europe requires more aviators. The government responds by creating the Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Division in 1941. By 1943, 9,000 recruits, women from all backgrounds, are taking over a wide range of jobs. Women in the RCAF, or WDs as they were called, were clerks, drivers, photographers, air photo interpreters, weather observers, instrument mechanics, parachute riggers as well as many administrative and technical positions in the RCAF. While most WDs were located at British Commonwealth Air Training Plan stations across Canada, many others served overseas with RCAF Overseas Headquarters and