Womanhunt is a 1962 American drama film directed by Maury Dexter and written by Russ Bender and Edward J. Lakso. The film stars Steve Peck, Lisa Lu, Berry Kroeger, Bob Okazaki, Anna Lee Carroll and Tom Daly. The film was released on June 3, 1962, by 20th Century Fox.
, 1h38 Directed byMaury Dexter OriginEspagne GenresWestern ActorsGeorge Montgomery, José Nieto, Jesús Tordesillas, Ana María Custodio, Frank Braña Rating46% Ayant fui sa terre natale pour aller au Mexique, Pat O'Brien est devenu lieutenant sous les ordres du général Camargo. Ce dernier le charge de veiller sur sa fille Marta qui tombe amoureuse d'Eduardo, un voisin de campagne, ainsi que sur la propriété menacée par de dangereux pistoleros. Ces bandits agissent sous le commandement d'Espada, ancien associé de Camargo dont il n'a pas pardonné de s'être rangé du côté de l'ordre installé...
, 1h3 Directed byMaury Dexter OriginUSA GenresThriller, Horror ActorsRon Foster, Merry Anders, Richard Crane, Dal McKennon, Richard Kiel Rating53% Architect Scott Campbell (Ron Foster) and his wife (Merry Anders) go to survey an old mansion, where the previous tenant disappeared. Strange noises, eerie sights and vanishing keys ruin their attempt at a wedding anniversary. Things get worse after Scott's employer (Richard Crane) arrives, and his wife is kidnapped!