La reine Élisabeth II est enlevée par un riche américain mégalomane (Mickey Rooney) : les services secrets britanniques demandent l'aide de leurs homologues français. Le SDECE confie alors l'affaire à quatre agents gaffeurs (les Charlots) et, pour cacher la disparition de la reine, font tenir le rôle de cette dernière par une femme de chambre qui se trouve être son sosie. L'enquête se poursuit jusqu'à Hong Kong...
Three friends face mid-life crises. Paul is a writer who's blocked. François has lost his ideals and practices medicine for the money; his wife grows distant, even hostile. The charming Vincent, everyone's favorite, faces bankruptcy, his mistress leaves him, and his wife, from whom he's separated, wants a divorce.
Jean-Claude (25) and Pierrot (23) are young sociopathic men who travel around France, committing petty crimes and running from the law. After they get in trouble with a hairdresser in Valence for stealing his car, they grab his pistol and kidnap his assistant Marie-Ange, an apathetic girl. When they are bored with unorgasmic Marie-Ange, they decide to find a passionate woman and meet Jeanne Pirolle, a deranged woman in her forties who is just released from prison and had spent ten years in a cell. After a threesome, Jeanne commits suicide and the men return to Marie-Ange. They find Jeanne's psychopathic son Jacques who had been incarcerated as well. Then, the four consider founding a crime family but at their first crime, an attempted robbery, Jacques commits a revenge killing and the others flee. While on the run, they meet a family having a picnic near Col d'Izoard and the delinquent teenage daughter Jacqueline wants to join them. They take Jacqueline and on learning that she is still a virgin, they decide to deflower her. After dropping Jacqueline, the three ride away aimlessly.
Une version des Trois Mousquetaires d’Alexandre Dumas, complètement revisitée et parfaitement burlesque, où les Charlots jouent les valets des mousquetaires, afin de déjouer les plans du cardinal de Richelieu, de son âme damnée le père Joseph et de Milady de Winter, et ramener à la reine ses ferrets de diamants qu'elle a imprudemment offerts au duc de Buckingham.
A blind Italian captain, accompanied by his aide Ciccio, who has been assigned to him by the army, is on his way from Turin to Naples to meet with an old comrade who was also disfigured in the same military incident. Unknown to his aide, the Captain means to fulfill a suicide pact there. While they journey, the Captain asks Ciccio to help him spot beautiful women. Unsatisfied with the boy's descriptions, he uses his nose instead, claiming that he can smell a beautiful woman. During their journey, he carries with him a picture of his beloved Sara, whom he could not bear to have see him disfigured and helpless. The suicide pact is eventually thwarted once Sara enters the picture, and the boy Ciccio does some much-needed growing up.
Nicolas Mallet est un modeste employé de banque résigné à la médiocrité sociale pour la sécurité que lui procure son emploi. Introverti et terne, avec l'assistance et sous les directives d'un ancien camarade de lycée, Claude Fabre, il va devenir un séducteur assuré, un arriviste opportuniste sans ambition définie. Aux lendemains de la crise du pétrole, le Bel Ami des années 70 connaît une remarquable ascension sociale, en s'appuyant exclusivement sur les femmes qu'il séduit presque sans le vouloir, tout en étant téléguidé par Fabre. Allant chercher le pouvoir auprès de ceux qui le régentent, sachant se rendre indispensable, il va réussir son ascension et favoriser celle de sa première conquête. Ce n'est qu'à la fin du film que l'on découvre les vraies raisons de l'attitude manipulatrice de Fabre.
In 1944 Lucien Lacombe, a 17-year-old peasant living in the Lot region of south-western France, is rejected by the French Resistance. Pro-German collaborators obtain information from him about a resistance leader and recruit him into the "Milice Francaise", a fascist group that hunts down Resistance fighters.
The film is separated into four stories. The first story involves André (Fabrice Luchini) who takes his 16-year-old cousin (played by Lise Danvers) to the beach to perform fellatio on him in tune to the waves of the incoming tide. The second story is titled Thérése Philosophe and involves a teenage country girl (Charlotte Alexandra) who intermingles sexual desires in her imagination with her dedication to Christ after being locked in her room. The third story features Elizabeth Báthory (Paloma Picasso) as a countess who murders young girls in order to gain eternal youth by bathing in their blood. The final story involves the daughter of Pope Alexander VI, Lucrezia Borgia (Florence Bellamy), having sex with her male relatives.
Pendant que le président de la République française rassure son pays sur la force que celui-ci opposera à une invasion chinoise avant de s'embarquer avec son entourage dans un avion pour New York, l'armée d'occupation chinoise se met en place sans effusion de sang, et entreprend de réformer la France à sa façon. Le général Pou-Yen installe son quartier général aux Galeries Lafayette, et depuis Pékin le Comité central nomme le Français Hervé Sainfous de Montaubert au poste de gouverneur de la France occupée.
La reine de France se trouve dans l'embarras. En effet, pour leur prochaine apparition en public, le roi lui a demandé de porter le collier de ferrets qu'il lui a offert en cadeau pour la Sainte Anne. Or, la reine a déjà remis celui-ci en gage d'estime au duc de Buckingham lors d'une visite secrète, en lui faisant promettre de ne plus jamais chercher à la revoir. Elle suspecte une machination du cardinal de Richelieu et du père Joseph, prêts à tout pour la déshonorer.
Gérard, Jean, Phil et Jean-Guy sont à l'armée, mais le sergent Bellec qui s'occupe d'eux ne les lâche pas d'une semelle. Les quatre compères préférant passer leur temps à jouer aux cartes en prison, ils restent à faire des bêtises et à se faire taper sur les doigts, comme quand ils sont chargés un jour de réchauffer la piscine du colonel. Par erreur, ils envoient du mazout dans la piscine, inondent la cave du colonel de mazout et se retrouvent coincés avec le sergent et le colonel. Un jour, ils parviennent à s'évader et se réfugient dans une ferme que l'armée veut réquisitionner parce qu'elle se situe sur un de ses terrains. Ils aideront les occupants avant d'aller dire « oui » (ou plutôt « non ») devant Monsieur le maire.
Eric, a sculptor, wakes up recalling a disturbing dream followed by frantically picking up random women from the streets and taking them back to his studio for sex. However, he is clearly distressed about something, and it turns out that this is the aftermath of his breakup with Olga. The movie then recounts his relationship with Olga.
Depressed after being abandoned by her young lover, affluent Helene (Annie Giradot) heads off to a health clinic on the coast. The treatments by Dr. Devilers (Alain Delon) make her and the other guests feel better, and for a while that is enough. However, Helene stumbles upon the resort's dark secret: the patients rejuvenation comes at the expense of Portuguese youths, who arrive at the clinic to work in the gardens and are never seen again.
In May 1940 a packed train takes refugees from a French village near the Belgian border away from the advancing German forces.. On it are Julien, a short-sighted radio repairer, and his pregnant wife and daughter. The women are given priority in a carriage at the front while he has to scramble into a cattle truck at the rear. There he is struck by a mysterious and beautiful young woman on her own.
Aleksey Teodorovic Vlassov (Yul Brynner) is a high ranking KGB official who defects while in France. He has with him highly-classified information as part of a deal with Western intelligence for his arrival in the United States. The debriefing is held at Langley by DCI Allan Davies (Henry Fonda) and MI6 representative Philip Boyle (Dirk Bogarde). Vlassov hands off a list of enemy agents in Western Europe including a deep penetration into NATO. Davies wants to begin operations to arrest the agents; however, those on the list suddenly begin to die off. The CIA also has suspicions over the authenticity of Vlassov's claims. The CIA discovers that a defection photo of Vlassov was taken in the Soviet Union, not in Turkey, judging from the contours of Mt. Ararat in the background. Vlassov also fails a lie detector test after he angrily protests about sexual related questions asked by the CIA during the test.