Two wounded soldiers, a Bosniak (Čiki, portrayed by Branko Đurić) and a Bosnian Serb (Nino, portrayed by Rene Bitorajac) are caught between their lines in the no man's land, in a struggle for survival. The two soldiers confront each other in a trench, where they wait for dark. They trade insults and even find some common ground. Confounding the situation is another wounded Bosniak soldier (Cera, portrayed by Filip Šovagović) who wakes from unconsciousness. A land mine had been buried beneath him by the Bosnian Serbs; should he make any move, it would be fatal.
Pendant la guerre de Bosnie-Herzégovine, le siège de Sarajevo a duré mille trois cent nonante-cinq jours, de 1992 à 1995. Pendant le siège, des milliers de citoyens ont dû traverser la Sniper Alley, surnom de l'avenue principale de Sarajevo.
Début des années 2010. Kym Vercoe, une actrice australienne, part seule visiter la Bosnie-Herzégovine. Son voyage se passe bien, à part une nuit de nausées dans un hôtel de Višegrad, le Vilina Vlas.
Sarajevo (Bosnie-Herzégovine). Orpheline de guerre, Rahima, employée de restaurant, doit élever seule son jeune frère Nedim. Or, celui-ci est un élève indiscipliné et bagarreur, impliqué dans divers trafics. Au cours d'une rixe, il brise le portable d'un de ses collègues de classe, fils d'un personnage influent de la vie politique. Rahima se trouve contrainte de dédommager le père de la victime.
La première image du film commence par montrer un bébé, dont son engendrement est raconté dans le film, issu du viol de l’héroïne, Samira, qui pleure en le regardant.
Kenan (Mario Drmać), a Bosniak classical musician, and Milan (Tarik Filipović), a Serb, live in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina in a clandestine gay relationship. When the Bosnian War breaks out in 1992, they try to escape from the city. In order to hide from Serbian militamen, Kenan disguises himself as a woman and Milan passes him of as his wife. Together, they go to Milan's village in Eastern Bosnia, a Serb stronghold, where they continue to live in deception. However, Milan is soon conscripted into the army and Kenan is left behind in the village. Ranka, a woman from the village, discovers Kenan's secret and seduces him.
A Bosnian poet (Hamza) lived with his family in Sarajevo during the hard times in the horrific siege of the city. The war in Bosnia was raging all around them. After sending his wife (Gospoda) and daughter (Miranda) to Croatia, he found at home two orphans Adis and Kerim, who escaped a massacre in their own village. They escaped from their village and came to Sarajevo in search of their aunt, which lived in the neighborhood called Bistrik. Hamza decided to help the boys by shielding them from the horrors of war. Together they fight for survival in this horrible war and the ongoing complete siege of the city. After a long search, Hamza discovers that the aunt of Adis and Kerim was a refugee in Germany. Upon learning this Hamza tries to save the kids by sending them out of the war zone. But the only way out was through the Sarajevo International Airport, which is a very dangerous passage occupied and monitored by Chetniks and their death squads as well as snipers.
Nazif est ferrailleur. Il vit en Bosnie avec sa femme, Senada, et leurs 2 filles. Un jour, Senada se plaint de terribles maux de ventre et doit se faire hospitaliser d’urgence. Mais faute de couverture sociale, le couple doit payer l'opération : une somme considérable qu'ils n'ont pas. Pendant 10 jours, Nazif fait tout pour sauver la vie de Senada en cherchant de l'aide auprès des institutions et en tentant de trouver toujours plus de fer à vendre.
Luna and Amar are a young Bosnian couple living in Sarajevo. Both have traumatic memories from the Bosnian War of the 1990s. Luna had seen her parents killed by an anti-Muslim militia in Bijeljina, and had come to Sarajevo with her grandparents as a child refugee. Amar had served as a soldier in the war and lost his brother. At present, however, they have apparently built up a successful life - she as an air hostess with B&H Airlines, he as an air traffic controller at the Sarajevo International Airport. When she comes back from a flight they make love passionately and go to have a good time at a local nightclub. Though identifying as "Muslims" in the context of Bosnia's ethnic set-up, religion plays no part in their life. In fact, Amar drinks alcohol a bit too much - which is forbidden by Islam - and it is this which begins to put their relationship under strain.
Single mother Esma lives with her 12-year-old daughter Sara in post-war Sarajevo. Sara wants to go on a school field trip and her mother starts working as a waitress at a nightclub to earn the money for the trip.