Barnie aime sa femme, sa maîtresse et son amant. Il travaille à Londres, mais habite en France. Le jour de son anniversaire, il reçoit trois cadeaux identiques, chacun venant respectivement de ses trois amours : trois week-end en amoureux à Venise en Orient-Express, le 1er mai. Pour préserver son mariage, il renvoie les deux billets à ses amoureux clandestins. Cependant, Barnie se trompe en les postant. Ainsi, Mark reçoit l'enveloppe destinée à Margot, et vice-versa. Les deux amants, mécontents se rendent au bureau de Barnie et font connaissance. Ensemble, ils décident de rendre une petite visite à Barnie, en France, où ils rencontrent… sa femme !
Set, like the previous films, in the fictional port town of Blue Bay, Marie Clifton (Laine) is set to inherit two beautiful diamonds, called the "mother and daughter". Marie's step-father, Jay Clifton (Johnson), challenges the will claiming that he believes Marie is not ready for the responsibility, but actually wishing to claim the diamonds for himself. At a sexual education seminar, physician Chad and probation officer Kristen Richards (Meyer) discuss sex crimes. Richards reveals that she was a victim of an anonymous rapist many years before.
The film tells the story of two young female university students, Key and Citra, who share a house in a plush Jakarta suburb. Due to difficulties in paying their rent, their landlady forces two new male tenants on them, Nesta and Aldi. Key and Citra, despite their beauty, are for some unexplained reason very unlucky in love and fear that they will end up as spinsters. They immediately fall for their handsome housemates. Unbeknown to them, the two young men are actually lovers, though various visual clues ensure that the audience is let in on the secret. While Nesta has a very masculine and straight-acting look, Aldi is feminine and moody. Nesta explains to Aldi – and to the audience – the theory of chocolate strawberry. Basically, strawberry equates to feminine and gay, and so in order not to be found out it is important to act chocolate – that is, to act masculine and straight. As well as more innocent ways of showing that one is straight, such as doing weight training, spending hours on the PlayStation, and not cooking, Nesta decides it would be a good ploy to start flirting with and eventually dating Key. Aldi becomes increasingly jealous as he sees his love of the last two years devoting far too much attention to Key.
On an island in the Paraná Delta of Argentina, Álvaro (Román) works as a fisherman and a reed cutter. His homosexuality and love of books make him an outsider in the small village. The brutish El Turu (Valenzuela) captains La León, the town ferry. He views Álvaro as a threat, bullying him almost constantly. However, as the film progresses, El Turu's hidden attraction to Álvaro becomes obvious.
Comme chaque été, Frédéric et sa femme Frédérique (aussi) qui affichent leur hétérosexualité sans complexe vont passer les vacances dans leur maison de la Drôme.
Chris et Aurore vivent un amour charnel et passionné. Aurore découvre que Chris est en réalité un tueur en série et cette découverte la pousse à se remettre en question sur les choix effectués dans la vie. Doit-elle fuir et devenir complice de cet homme dont elle est éperdument tombé amoureuse ou le dénoncer et reconstruire une vie sans lui ?
After his release from prison, ex-convict Franz Walsch surely finds his way back into the Munich criminal underworld and also finds that his attentions are meanwhile torn now between two women, Joanna and Margarethe, as well as by Günther, his friend who earlier shot his brother.
En enquêtant sur le meurtre d'un homosexuel, Morane, l'inspecteur Verta, marié et père de famille, rencontre un jeune musicien, Bernard, dont il tombe amoureux…
Wendy, Billie, and Ann are seniors at an alternative private school; they spend all their time with fellow students Jonah, Price, and Robert. The six have been friends since elementary school and their friendship has become a six-person polyamorous relationship. They swap sex partners each week; their loyalty is to the group, not to one person.
Un été 1983 dans la ville de Pittsburgh. Un jeune homme nommé Art s'apprête à vivre ses derniers mois de liberté avant d'être aspiré dans les affaires de son père, un puissant criminel. Pour lui tenir tête, il travaille dans une librairie de livres usagés, où il entretient une liaison avec la gérante, et poursuit des études pour devenir courtier. Lors d'une soirée, il fait la connaissance de Jane, une violoniste, et il en tombe amoureux. Le lendemain un mystérieux motard surgit à la librairie; il s'agit de Cleveland, l'amant de Jane, un petit truand qui invite Art à partager leurs escapades. Le jeune homme s'attache rapidement à ce couple excentrique. Plus que jamais séduit par Jane, il éprouve aussi une curieuse attirance pour Cleveland, ouvertement bisexuel.
The boss of a car shop (Wolf Hudson) is in dire need of a good mechanic to fix a broken down car. The shop is completely run by men, but a female mechanic named Billie (Krystal Kali) decides to apply after seeing a "help wanted" sign. The boss gives her a shot if she can fix broken down vehicle that all the other mechanics haven't been able to fix. If accomplished she's hired, but if she doesn't, she must leave the premises and go out on a date with him. To the dismay of the men, she agrees to the challenge, as she is looking for a job. She gets the car started and stuns everyone with her skills and is immediately hired. All the mechanics make it difficult for her, especially one of the men (Cameron Marshall), play practical jokes and pranks to get her to leave. Cameron and Billie do not like each other, but there is strong tension between them. After catching each other watching the boss and his girlfriend (Lola) engaging in sex inside the office, they become friendly with one another. The next time the guys start trouble with Billie, Cameron jumps in to defend her and tell all of them to leave her alone. The film ends with Cameron and Billie falling in love and embracing each other with a kiss.
Two men, Kieri and Ryo, have an unquestioning love for each other. But their mutual devotion is not allowed to last. Ryo is abducted, and Kieri embarks upon a long and difficult journey to find him. Unbeknownst to Kieri, it is "heaven's heart" herself that leads and protects him on his quest. Before Kieri finds his companion, Ryo loses his life. And Kieri, desperate to find his beloved, agrees to sacrifice his body to bring about Ryo's resurrection. When they both die, "heaven's heart" reunites them in death and the two men return to life through myth.
En 1926, au temps où tout semblait encore possible, un couple américain en voyage de noces se rend dans l'île grecque de Lesbos. La jeune mariée, Sappho y rencontre Helena, une Russe décidément bien entreprenante et désirable. Mais Helena est-elle plus intéressée par Sappho que par son mari ?