Esther Blueburger is a 13-year-old Jewish outcast at her posh private school. Things are no better at home, where her twin brother is beginning to develop into a sociopath and her controlling mother pressures Esther to conform. She finds her only friend in a duck called Normal, and she frequently prays into a toilet asking God to "get me out of here". After escaping her own Bat Mitzvah, Esther bumps into Sunni, a rebellious girl from the local public school, who she had observed and spoken to on previous occasions.
Boston bagel maker Larry Baras, who had no sports management experience, wanted to create a professional baseball league in Israel. He recruited former Jewish major leaguers Art Shamsky, Ken Holtzman, and Ron Blomberg as team managers in the Israel Baseball League.
For seven days a large family of Moroccan descent observes the Jewish mourning ritual of Shiva when a brother dies. Living together again reveals many tensions and conflicts between family members. Amidst the tensions, the Gulf War rages in the background.
Les Stalags sont des livres de poche dont les intrigues tournent autour de vigoureuses femmes officier SS qui abusent des prisonniers.
Au cours des années 1960, parallèlement au procès contre le criminel de guerre nazi Adolf Eichmannl, les ventes de cette littérature pornographique ont battu tous les records en Israël et des centaines de milliers d’exemplaires ont été vendus dans les kiosques.
La popularité des Stalags a faibli seulement après le procès contre leurs auteurs qui ont été accusés de distribution pornographique antisémite.
Ce film traite de ce phénomène, et confirme aussi que la combinaison de pornographie et Holocauste apparaît également dans la littérature canonique sur l’Holocauste et qui continue jusqu’à présent à faire partie de la représentation de l’Holocauste en Israël.
Norman Finkelstein est né à Brooklyn en 1953, de parents survivants des camps de concentration nazis. En 1988, il obtient son doctorat du Department of Politics at Princeton University, sur la théorie du sionisme. Disciple de Noam Chomsky et brillant universitaire, Norman Finkelstein est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages traduits dans le monde entier dont L’industrie de l’Holocauste (Réflexion sur l’exploitation de la souffrance des Juifs) (La Fabrique Editions - 2000) et Mythes et réalité du conflit israélo-palestinien (Aden Editions - 2006). Mais, la liberté de ton de Finkelstein dérange, elle lui a valu en 2007 d’être licencié de l’Université DePaul (Chicago) et d’être taxé de « Juif antisémite » par des membres de lobbies pro-israéliens américains.
The film traces the confluence of factors that made the 1979 Peace Treaty between Israel and Egypt possible. It reveals that while some, such as Carter, Begin and Sadat, were driven by deeply held ideas of faith and conviction, others were military hawks who in their later years came to see peace as the only viable option; still others saw peace and stability in business terms. Regardless of their motives, these heroes found a way to come together and drive the peace process. The term "back door channels" has been in use since the early 1950s by government and foreign policy officials and intelligence operatives to refer to alternative methods for communicating across borders by using lines of communication not available to traditional official governmental and diplomatic entities or to covert international intelligence agents.
The athlete Gretel Bergmann wins the high jump championships in the United Kingdom. For the Nazi racial laws prevented her continuing her training in Germany, being a Jew, her father had sent her to England, where she could live more safely and continue her sporting career.
A biblical Cinderella story, it is seen through the eyes of a young widow as she leaves her homeland to Israel in search of a better life. Upon reaching Israel, she is swept off her feet by a wealthy royal which ultimately leads to her destiny.
Yigal is a taxi driver with a burning desire to visit Paris, yet his fear of flying stands in the way of him booking a 5-hour flight from Tel Aviv. He then forms a deep emotional bond with a married Russian immigrant, Lina, who plans to immigrate to Canada.