A pair of brothers, Baby Toto and Pietro, sons of different mothers, live stealing suitcases at the Termini Station in Rome. After a theft they discover that the stolen suitcase they got from an apparent sweet old lady actually contains a corpse. In an attempt to discard the suitcase they mistakenly exchange it with the one of two German hitchhikers, Helga and Inga.
The film focuses on Kelly McIntyre, a disco dancer played by Dianne Hull who through no fault of her own, accidentally overdoses on drugs and collapses at a disco. She is misdiagnosed as suicidal and sent to a psychiatric ward which is on the fifth floor of Cedar Springs Hospital. There she finds herself alone with no help, not even from her boyfriend who refuses to get her out of there. She becomes the subject of interest by an unbalanced orderly played by Bo Hopkins.
Florida Justice Transitions abrite 120 délinquants sexuels condamnés. Comme dans de nombreux autres États américains, les délinquants sexuels ne sont pas autorisés à vivre à moins de 300 mètres des lieux fréquentés par les enfants. Pour cette raison, de nombreux délinquants sexuels vivent sous des ponts ou dans des bois – ou dans le parc à roulottes Florida Justice Transitions – connu sous le nom de Pervert Park. Les crimes commis par les résidents vont de simples délits à des actes horribles insupportables à envisager.
75-year-old Dr. Nathaniel Shellner has led an extraordinary life as a psychiatrist, working with traumatized patients fleeing war zones in refugee camps, earning himself a Nobel Prize for his work. After having one child, Leonard, with his wife, Lillian, the Shellners elect to adopt the remainder of their family from the camps where Dr. Shellner worked. Ultimately, the Shellners incorporated five children from all over the world into their family – Tommy, Julie, Harry, and twins Sylvia and Sasha. As Dr. Shellner lies on his death bed on a frigid, icy day on the fringes of New York City in suburban New Jersey, the family convenes at the house where the couple raised the children for a final, bittersweet farewell to a sensational and inspiring public figure. Or, that's the idea, until all hell breaks loose after Tommy arrives and accuses his father of adopting his children, not out of concern for their future well-being, but to use them for some warped psychological experiment.
In Providence, a husband and his wife die in a botched robbery; we see flickers of his last memories. His heart goes to Terry Bernard, a single father raising a girl with a rare degenerative disease. After the operation, Terry has flashes of memory from the last moments of the dead donor's life. Then, he recognizes one of the donor's killers and follows him into an alley. Within days, Terry becomes an unwilling avenger, with a police detective on his trail. Meanwhile, he begins a romance with his daughter's doctor, his moods complicated by memory flashes, the donor's deepening presence in both Terry's mind and body, and the unexplained bond among the donor's killers. Can this end well?
Babu is a care-taker in a mental hospital who shows much devotion to his job unlike other employees and more affection towards the patients in the hospital. He wears the patients' dress and moves with them like one among them. Due to this nature the Chief Doctor, also a priest Father, likes him very much than others fetching Babu the enmity of two compounders in the hospital. One of the financial donors of the hospital brings a wandering girl to hospital suspecting that she is mentally ill. Since nobody knows about her anything and she is a mentally challenged the hospital admits her. Babu moves with the girl like he moves with all other patients but shows more affection than others as she does not have anybody to take care. The employees watch with curiosity and spin stories on them. Babu names the girl as Meenakshi and calls her Meenu. One of the two compounders tries to rape a mentally challenged girl and Meenu makes snake alert to stop it which fetches everybody. This angers the compounder and he gives electric shock. Babu rescues Meenu and complains to Father resulting in the suspension of the compounder and his friend. Babu now makes more care for her and spends more time with her.
Sybil is a shy, unassuming substitute grade school teacher. After suffering a small breakdown in front of her students, she is given a neurological examination by Dr. Cornelia Wilbur, a psychiatrist. Sybil admits to having blackouts and fears they are getting worse. Dr. Wilbur theorizes that the incidents are a kind of hysteria, all related to a deeper problem. She asks Sybil to return at a later date for more counseling.
Christopher Lee is The Keeper, the sinister and crippled administrator of the secluded and exclusive Underwood Asylum in 1947 British Columbia where the community's wealthiest families have entrusted their mentally-disturbed relatives to his unique care. However, these families soon begin to die under grisly and unusual circumstances, leaving large inheritances to The Keeper's deranged patients.
François is committed to a mental hospital by his father Maître Gérane, a wealthy man who does not tolerate objection. The institution is owned by Dr. Varmont whose traditional treatment methods conflict with the beliefs of Dr. Emery, supporter of a more sensitive approach. François becomes friends with an epileptic, Heurtevent and together they try to escape, but they fail and the sweet Heurtevent commits suicide. Afterwards François manages to flee and hides at the home of his friend, Stéphanie.
Comédie fantaisiste : la nuit dans une maison de repos pour agités, un surveillant emprunte sans autorisation la Cadillac de la directrice pour conduire au bord de la mer deux jeunes pensionnaires de l'asile. La directrice, femme autoritaire et revêche qui terrorise son mari, oblige ce dernier à voler un camion-citerne, et la poursuite commence. Les pourchassés et les poursuivants traversent la France, depuis la région parisienne jusqu'à Nice. Tout en s'occupant du bien-être de ses passagers auxquels s'ajoute bientôt une charmante auto-stoppeuse, le surveillant devra multiplier les ruses pour déjouer ses poursuivants, échapper aux agents de l'Ordre public, amadouer les automobilistes vindicatifs dans les embouteillages comme sur les pistes d'autos-tamponneuses ; il devra se montrer patient et compréhensif face aux commerçants, restaurateurs, hôteliers et faire preuve de talents de négociateur, de sauveteur en rivière, de funambule, de jongleur. Lancé à sa poursuite, le couple directorial va hériter des mêmes rencontres, multipliant à son tour gaffes et quiproquos. Dans une scène poignante qui est un des sommets du film, les deux époux finiront par reconnaître leurs véritables sentiments. Pendant ces extravagantes péripéties, le conducteur du camion-citerne vit la non moins difficile expérience de tenter d'entrer en contact téléphonique avec ses employeurs, un été où le téléphone de l'asile n'est pas au meilleur de son fonctionnement.