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Adele Buffington is a Scriptwriter American born on 12 february 1900

Adele Buffington

Adele Buffington
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Birth name Adele Burgdorfer
Nationality USA
Birth 12 february 1900
Death 23 november 1973 (at 73 years)

Adele Buffington, de son vrai nom Adele Burgdorfer, est une scénariste américaine née le 12 février 1900 à Saint-Louis (Missouri) et morte le 23 novembre 1973 à Los Angeles (Californie).


Adele Burgdorfer commence à travailler comme caissière dans un cinéma de Saint-Louis. Cela lui donne l'occasion de voir de nombreux films et d'étudier les clients qui afflue pour voir leurs personnages préférés.

Sa carrière commence officiellement en 1919 lorsqu'elle vend son premier script à un studio indépendant, et qu'elle est remarquée par Thomas H. Ince, qui l'engage et pour qui elle écrit le scénario de L’Apache, qui sera le premier film produit à partir d'un de ses scénarios. Elle travaille régulièrement pendant la période du cinéma muet et elle est connue pour sa productivité, notamment pour ses Westerns, même si elle en signe un certain nombre sous les pseudonymes de Jesse Bowers ou Colt Remington.

Buffington travaille pour diverses compagnies, parfois pour plusieurs en même temps. Après le passage au parlant, sa production de scénarios de western augmente encore, avec en vedette des acteurs comme Tom Mix, Buck Jones ou Tim McCoy.

Adele Buffington fait partie des fondateurs de la Screen Writers Guild .

Usually with

Phil Rosen
Phil Rosen
(3 films)
Harry Neumann
Harry Neumann
(4 films)
Slim Whitaker
Slim Whitaker
(4 films)
Buck Jones
Buck Jones
(4 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Adele Buffington (36 films)

Display filmography as list


Bullwhip (1958)
, 1h20
Directed by Harmon Jones
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Guy Madison, Rhonda Fleming, James Griffith, Don Beddoe, Dan Sheridan, Hank Worden
Rating52% 2.6089252.6089252.6089252.6089252.608925
Steve Daley is about to be hanged for a killing he committed in self-defense when a crooked judge makes him an offer. If he is willing to marry a woman who needs to be wed immediately to collect an inheritance, Steve will be set free. He agrees and is married to a woman identified only as "Julia," who kisses him once and immediately leaves town.
Born to the Saddle, 1h17
Directed by William Beaudine
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Donald Woods, Leif Erickson, Chuck Courtney, Rand Brooks, Glenn Strange, Bobby Anderson
Rating58% 2.9115652.9115652.9115652.9115652.911565
Bent on revenge for the death of his father and the theft of their ranch, young Bill Walton rides into town seeking the aid of his uncle. As he rides into town, he takes a bullet meant for gambler Matt Daggett and across the street lies his uncle, victim of the gambler's gun. Dagget looks on Bill as 'good luck' and nurses him back to health and gives him the job of training "Blue Chip", the fastest quarter horse in the west, for a big race. Bill doesn't know that Dagget plans to fix the race and put his own money on another horse at heavy odds. Quartered at the nearby ranch of John Grant, Bill meets Jerri Marshall, daughter of Bob Marshall, who lost "Blue Chip" to Daggett in a crooked gambling deal. Grant gets mixed up in a stage coach robbery and killing and rides back to the ranch with Daggett henchman Red Roper. When Roper tries to molest a woman, Bill bluffs him with an empty gun and forces him back to town. Roper is arrested for the killing and implicates Grant. Incited by Daggett, who fears exposure as the outlaw leader, a paid mob breaks into the jail and both Grant and Roper are hanged, but Grant, barely able to touch a plank with the toe of his boot, clings to life until Bill finds him and cuts him down. On the day of the race, Daggett lures Bill away from "Blue Chip" long enough for a wire to be twisted around the horse's leg at the fetlock. "Blue Chip" goes lane partly through the race but races on in agony and wins. Daggett tries to hide his treachery by blaming the lameness on a broken leg and draws his gun to shoot the horse. Marshall intervenes and is shot by the gambler. Bill discovers the wire and now also knows that Daggett is the outlaw leader responsible for his father's death and the hanging of his friend Grant. Bill heads for the saloon to confront Daggett. Just as the gambler turns to fire on Bill, Grant appears. When the smoke clears both Daggett and Grant are dead.
Cow Country, 1h22
Directed by Lesley Selander
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Edmond O'Brien, Helen Westcott, Robert Lowery, Barton MacLane, Peggie Castle, Robert Barrat
Rating61% 3.0873353.0873353.0873353.0873353.087335
Ben Anthony runs a freight line in Texas. He disappointed cattleman Walt Garnet by not going into that business. Walt's beautiful daughter Linda returns to town after a long absence and Ben still carries a torch for her, but she's now involved with another man, Harry Odell.
Jiggs and Maggie Out West, 1h6
Directed by William Beaudine
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Western
Actors Joe Yule, Renie Riano, Jim Bannon, Henry Kulky, Jimmy Aubrey, Betty Blythe
Rating56% 2.806352.806352.806352.806352.80635
Jiggs and Maggie inherit a gold mine in a western town, but have difficultly finding it.
The Valiant Hombre, 1h
Directed by Wallace Fox
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Leo Carrillo, Duncan Renaldo, John Litel, Barbara Billingsley, Stanley Andrews, John James
Rating59% 2.97082.97082.97082.97082.9708
This script must be run from the command line
Dawn on the Great Divide, 1h3
Directed by Howard Bretherton
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors Buck Jones, Mona Barrie, Raymond Hatton, Robert Lowery, Rex Bell, Maude Eburne
Rating59% 2.950552.950552.950552.950552.95055
Buck Roberts dirige un train de wagons de fournitures ferroviaires et Jim Corkle et son acolyte Loder sont là pour les arrêter en utilisant des hommes blancs habillés en Indiens pour les attaques.
The Sheik Steps Out, 1h5
Directed by Irving Pichel
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Musical films
Actors Ramón Novarro, Rosemary Lane, Gene Lockhart, Lola Lane, Kathleen Burke, Stanley Fields
Rating60% 3.0043953.0043953.0043953.0043953.004395
Le puissant Sheik Ahmed Ben Nesib, lit avec intérêt un article de journal décrivant l'arrivée de la gâtés héritière américaine Phyllis Murdok "Flip" en Arabie. L'article explique que Flip fiancée à Lord Eustache Byington, se mariera avec lui seulement si elle perd dans une course à cheval contre le sien. Flip , recherche un cheval. Amusé par l'idée d'une telle femme indépendante, le Sheik veut la rencontrée.
The Keeper of the Bees, 1h15
Directed by Christy Cabanne
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Romance
Actors Neil Hamilton, Emma Dunn, Edith Fellows, Hobart Bosworth, Helen Jerome Eddy, Marion Shilling
Roles Writer
Rating64% 3.207713.207713.207713.207713.20771
Differences from novel