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Toto in Madrid is a french film of genre Comedy directed by Steno with Totò

Toto in Madrid (1959)

Toto in Madrid
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Length 1h30
Directed by
Genres Comedy
Themes Peinture
Rating60% 3.020843.020843.020843.020843.02084

Toto in Madrid (Italian: Totò, Eva e il pennello proibito) is an Italian comedy film from 1959, directed by Steno, written by Vittorio Metz, starring Totò and Louis de Funès. The film is known under the titles: "Toto in Madrid" (English title), "Totò a Madrid", "Un coup fumant" (France), "La culpa fue de Eva" (Spain).


The penniless painter Toto is commissioned by unknown Spanish fraudsters to mirror the famous masterpiece Maja Desnuda by Francisco Goya, with some details. In fact, these thieves have agreed with a rich billionaire who plans to buy the original masterpiece. When Toto discovers that all that was nothing more than a scam, it's too late...


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