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Bryan Edgar Wallace is a Scriptwriter, Production Manager, Assistant Director and Editor born on 28 april 1904

Bryan Edgar Wallace

Bryan Edgar Wallace
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Birth 28 april 1904
Death 1 january 1971 (at 66 years)

Bryan Edgar Wallace, né le 28 avril 1904 à Londres en Angleterre et mort en 1971, est un écrivain et scénariste britannique, auteur de roman policier.


Il est le fils d'Edgar Wallace. Il est officier de l'armée britannique puis scénariste pour la British Lion Film Corporation, la Gaumont British Picture Corporation et la 20th Century Fox. En 1930, il est capitaine de l'équipe britannique qui participe au championnats du monde de bobsleigh à Caux. Il est ensuite secrétaire diplomatique à l'ambassade britannique à Madrid.

En 1961, il publie son premier roman, Ne pas tamponner (Death Packs a Suitcase) dans lequel il met en scène Bill Tern, agent des services spéciaux britanniques.

Usually with

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Filmography of Bryan Edgar Wallace (18 films)

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The Dead Are Alive, 1h45
Directed by Armando Crispino
Genres Thriller, Horror
Actors Alex Cord, Samantha Eggar, John Marley, Nadja Tiller, Horst Frank, Enzo Cerusico
Roles Story
Rating54% 2.7106752.7106752.7106752.7106752.710675
Somewhere between Spoleto and Cerveteri, someone kills young couples, inspired by the frescos of an Etruscan grave where the daemon Tuchulcha is depicted.
The Corpse Packs His Bags, 1h21
Directed by Jesús Franco
Origin German
Genres Crime
Actors Horst Tappert, Fred Williams, Siegfried Schürenberg, Karl Heinz Mannchen, Barbara Rütting, Rainer Basedow
Roles Novel
Rating44% 2.230882.230882.230882.230882.23088
Une série de meurtres secoue Londres : Après que la victime ait fait ses valises, le meurtrier le tue d'un lancer de couteau précis. Mais lors du troisième meurtre, l'inspecteur Redford et son ami, l'écrivain de polars Charles Barton, remarquent quelque chose : La valise a été volée après l'assassinat.
The Cat o' Nine Tails, 1h54
Directed by Dario Argento
Origin Italie
Genres Thriller, Horror, Crime
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Serial killer films, Films about disabilities, La cécité, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors James Franciscus, Karl Malden, Catherine Spaak, Horst Frank, Tino Carraro, Pier Paolo Capponi
Roles Ecrivain
Rating66% 3.301053.301053.301053.301053.30105
Franco Arnò (Karl Malden) a middle-aged blind man is walking down a street at night with his niece Lori (Cinzia De Carolis) when they pass by a man in a car. Franco overhears him mention blackmail. They walk back to Franco's apartment nearby and while Lori sleeps, Franco works on a puzzle when he hears a noise. Outside, the unseen man in the parked car gets out and knocks out a night watchman by the gate of a large medical complex, the Terzi Institute. The unseen man uses a screwdriver to get inside the building. A doctor preparing to leave for the night sees the night watchman unconscious and sees a dark figure running away.
The Monster of London City, 1h29
Directed by Edwin Zbonek
Origin German
Genres Thriller, Crime
Actors Hansjörg Felmy, Marianne Koch, Dietmar Schönherr, Hans Nielsen, Fritz Tillmann, Elsa Wagner
Roles Writer
Rating57% 2.895372.895372.895372.895372.89537
L'acteur Richard Sand incarne tous les soirs Jack l'Éventreur sur la scène du théâtre Edgar Allan Poe dans le quartier de Whitechapel à Londres. Sir George Edwards est un adversaire féroce de la pièce à succès. En tant que député, il voudrait introduire la censure dans le théâtre et interdire la représentation, d'autant plus que sa nièce Ann Morlay veut se marier contre son gré l'acteur Richard Sand. Sir George préférerait de loin voir sa nièce à côté de son ami d'enfance, le médecin policier Morel Greely.
Dr. Mabuse vs. Scotland Yard, 1h30
Directed by Paul May
Origin German
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Horror, Crime
Actors Peter van Eyck, Sabine Bethmann, Dieter Borsche, Werner Peters, Walter Rilla, Klaus Kinski
Roles Novel
Rating54% 2.714852.714852.714852.714852.71485
L'esprit du docteur Mabuse a pris possession du neurologue Pohland. Sous l'influence du mauvais esprit, le professeur répand la peur et le chaos. Au quartier général de la police de Hambourg, l'inspecteur Vulpius reconstitue le testament du Docteur Mabuse détruit par une explosion.
The Mad Executioners, 1h34
Directed by Edwin Zbonek
Origin German
Genres Horror, Crime
Actors Hansjörg Felmy, Wolfgang Preiss, Rudolf Fernau, Dieter Borsche, Harry Riebauer, Chris Howland
Roles Novel
Rating60% 3.048223.048223.048223.048223.04822
Le surnommé "Bourreau de Londres" tient la ville de Londres en haleine. Avec sa bande, cet homme mystérieux s'en est pris à trois grands criminels qu'il a condamnés à mort et fait pendre. L'inspecteur John Hillier et son ami, le médecin légiste Dr. Philip Trooper, retrouvent à leurs pieds un "dossier de preuves" et une vieille corde qui a été volée au musée de la criminalité de Scotland Yard. L'inspecteur en chef Morel Smith est consterné par l'état des enquêtes. Hillier organise la surveillance du musée jour et nuit. Il rencontre Cabby Pennypacker, un étrange journaliste qui voudrait apporter son aide à l'enquête. Dans la soirée, John Hillier montre le dossier de preuves du Bourreau à l'ancien juge Sir Francis Barry, le père de son amie Ann. Le vieil homme ne cache pas être un partisan de la peine de mort et approuve les meurtres. Il évoque un assassin non identifié qui a décapité plusieurs femmes dont la sœur de Hillier. Un colis piégé est livré à la ville de Sir Francis, Cabby Pennypacker parvient à éloigner la bombe qui explose. Le journaliste affirme que l'auteur est Messerjoe, un escroc qui vient de sortir de prison. Sir Francis l'avait condamné.
The Secret of the Black Trunk, 1h25
Directed by Werner Klingler
Origin German
Genres Thriller, Crime
Actors Joachim Hansen, Senta Berger, Chris Howland, Peter Carsten, Stanislav Ledinek, Elfriede Irrall
Roles Novel
Rating57% 2.86432.86432.86432.86432.8643
Un mystérieux tueur s'en prend particulièrement à des voyageurs portant des valises noires. En mission pour Scotland Yard, l'inspecteur Finch enquête et, grâce à la collaboration d'un cousin, parvient à retrouver la trace de l'assassin dans le château d'un Lord...
O.H.M.S. (1937)
, 1h27
Directed by Raoul Walsh
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Action, Adventure
Actors John Mills, Wallace Ford, Anna Lee, Frank Cellier, Grace Bradley, Frederick Leister
Roles Scenario Writer
Rating57% 2.8613352.8613352.8613352.8613352.861335
An American gangster evades the New York Police's pursuit of him for a murder he didn't commit by fleeing to England with the victim's papers, having assumed his identity. Once in England he joins the British Army and finds romance and adventure on campaign in China.
The Squeaker, 1h17
Directed by William K. Howard
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Crime, Romance
Actors Edmund Lowe, Sebastian Shaw, Ann Todd, Robert Newton, Tamara Desni, Allan Jeayes
Roles Scenario Writer
Rating60% 3.046393.046393.046393.046393.04639
London's thieves are at the mercy of a super fence, who is in on every big jewellry robbery in the city. If the thieves won't split the loot with him, 'The Squeaker' shops them to the Police. A disgraced ex-detective believes there may be an opportunity to clear his name if he can capture 'The Squeaker'.
The Clairvoyant, 1h21
Directed by Maurice Elvey
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Thriller, Romance
Actors Claude Rains, Fay Wray, Jane Baxter, Mary Clare, Athole Stewart, C. Denier Warren
Rating65% 3.2931953.2931953.2931953.2931953.293195
Rains plays Maximus ("King of the Mind Readers"), who with the help of his wife, Rene (Fay Wray), and their secret code, performs an English music hall mind-reading act. Then, one night, he notices Christine Shawn (Jane Baxter), a beautiful woman in the audience, and his act begins to turn into reality. He is able to tell a man what is in his letter without any assistance.
My Old Dutch
Directed by Sinclair Hill
Genres Drama
Themes Political films
Actors Betty Balfour, Gordon Harker, Michael Hogan, Michael Hogan, Peter Gawthorne, Frank Pettingell
Roles Writer
Rating65% 3.2850253.2850253.2850253.2850253.285025
This film tracks the highlights of a cockney couple's son as he marries a rich man's disowned daughter and dies in the RFC. It is also based on Albert Chevalier's famous song and was made after the stage play written by Arthur Shirley.
The Frightened Lady, 1h27
Directed by T. Hayes Hunter
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Emlyn Williams, Cathleen Nesbitt, Gordon Harker, Belle Chrystall, Norman McKinnel, Finlay Currie
Roles Writer
Rating63% 3.150953.150953.150953.150953.15095
A young woman goes to stay at the house of Lord Lebanon, but two murders in quick succession lead to the arrival of detectives and cause the woman to fear for her life.
White Face
White Face (1932)
, 1h10
Directed by T. Hayes Hunter
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Hugh Williams, Gordon Harker, Norman McKinnel, Renee Gadd, Richard Bird, Nora Swinburne
Roles Adaptation

A doctor becomes a blackmailer and a jewel thief in order to raise funds for a hospital in East London but is uncovered by an ambitious reporter.