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Drusilla Wills is a Actor British born on 14 november 1884 at London (United-kingdom)

Drusilla Wills

Drusilla Wills
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Nationality United-kingdom
Birth 14 november 1884 at London (United-kingdom)
Death 6 august 1951 (at 66 years)

Drusilla Wills (1884–1951) was a British stage and film actress.

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Filmography of Drusilla Wills (21 films)

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The Queen of Spades, 1h35
Directed by Thorold Dickinson
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Themes Ghost films
Actors Anton Walbrook, Edith Evans, Yvonne Mitchell, Ronald Howard, Mary Jerrold, Anthony Dawson
Roles Countess's Old Servant
Rating70% 3.541033.541033.541033.541033.54103
Captain Herman Suvorin (Anton Walbrook) is a Russian soldier in St Petersburg in 1806. He comes from a working class background, and is consequently spurned by his wealthier fellow officers. Suvorin begins gambling, playing the card game Faro. He is told of an aged countess (Edith Evans), who allegedly sold her soul to the devil in exchange for success in playing Faro. Suvorin seduces her ward (Yvonne Mitchell) as part of a plan to learn the countess's secret of success.
The First Gentleman, 1h51
Directed by Alberto Cavalcanti
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Jean-Pierre Aumont, Cecil Parker, Margaretta Scott, Jack Livesey, Ronald Squire, Athene Seyler
Roles 1st Lady In Waiting
Rating58% 2.9244552.9244552.9244552.9244552.924455
The film traces the reign of the Prince Regent following the Napoleonic wars, and the Prince's attempts to marry off his unruly daughter Charlotte to a number of acceptable nobles, but to no avail because she falls for Leopold, a poverty-stricken German prince. Charlotte's marriage to Leopold is a happy one until the birth of their child.
The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, 1h48
Directed by Alberto Cavalcanti
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama
Actors Stanley Holloway, Derek Bond, Cedric Hardwicke, Sally Ann Howes, Mary Merrall, Cathleen Nesbitt
Roles Mrs. Grudden
Rating68% 3.4403053.4403053.4403053.4403053.440305
After the patriarch of the family dies and leaves them with no source of income, Nicholas Nickleby, his mother, and his younger sister Kate venture to London to seek help from their wealthy, cold-hearted uncle Ralph, an investor who arranges for Nicholas to be hired as a tutor at Dotheboys Hall in Yorkshire and finds Kate work as a seamstress. Nicholas meets Mr. Squeers just as he concludes business with Mr. Snawley, who is "boarding" his two unwanted stepsons.
Johnny Frenchman, 1h52
Directed by Charles Frend
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, War, Comedy, Romance
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Political films
Actors Patricia Roc, Tom Walls, Françoise Rosay, Paul Dupuis, Ralph Michael, Arthur Hambling
Roles Miss Bennett
Rating61% 3.095393.095393.095393.095393.09539
The film is set between March 1939 and June 1940 in a small fishing port in Cornwall, whose inhabitants have a historic but largely benign rivalry with their counterparts from another port over the water in Brittany whose men fish the same grounds. Legally the French may not fish within three miles of the British coast, and vice versa, and alleged breaches of this rule are the cause of frequent spats between hot-headed Cornish harbour-master Nat Pomeroy (Tom Walls) and Lanec Florrie (Françoise Rosay), an equally redoubtable widow from the Breton port. Beneath all the bluster and posturing however, there is a mutual understanding and respect between the two communities.
Champagne Charlie, 1h45
Directed by Alberto Cavalcanti
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Films based on plays
Actors Stanley Holloway, Tommy Trinder, Jean Kent, Hugh Grant, Hazel Court, Austin Trevor
Roles Bessie's Dresser
Rating64% 3.2360653.2360653.2360653.2360653.236065
Joe Saunders and his brother Fred arrive in London from Leybourne in Kent, and they go to the Elephant and Castle pub, the haunt of Tom Sayers, a leading boxer. While his brother, an aspiring boxer, is having a trial bout with Sayers, Joe Saunders is persuaded to sing a song to entertain the bar's customers. Initially reluctant, he soon gathers his confidence, and his performance is extremely well received by the audience. The impressed landlord offers him a pound a week and two free beers a night if he will perform on a regular basis. Saunders’s brother, meanwhile, is too ill from his past career as a miner to make a serious boxer and he returns home to Leybourne.
The Man in Grey, 1h56
Directed by Leslie Arliss
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Historical, Romance
Actors Margaret Lockwood, James Mason, Phyllis Calvert, Stewart Granger, Martita Hunt, Helen Haye
Roles Cook (uncredited)
Rating64% 3.242153.242153.242153.242153.24215
In 1943, a WREN (Phyllis Calvert) and an RAF pilot (Stewart Granger) meet at an auction of Rohan family heirlooms, now all being sold off after the last of the Rohan male line was killed at Dunkirk. After the RAF pilot inadvertently casts aspersions on the Rohan family, the WREN reveals that the last male Rohan was in fact her brother. The RAF man apologises, and reveals that his family are connected to the Rohans in a way, and so they arrange to meet for lunch and at the auction the following day.
A Girl Must Live, 1h32
Directed by Carol Reed
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy
Themes Dance films
Actors Margaret Lockwood, Lilli Palmer, Hugh Sinclair, George Robey, Naunton Wayne, Moore Marriott
Roles Miss Polkinghome
Rating66% 3.328653.328653.328653.328653.32865
Il existe une superstition dans les théâtres britanniques qui veut que si quelqu'un siffle dans les loges l'actrice la plus proche de la porte va être licenciée, sauf si celle qui a sifflé va faire immédiatement trois tours sur elle-même dans le couloir. C'est ce qui arrive à Leslie James, qui se retrouve à tourner en petite tenue, sous les yeux du comte de Pangborouugh, un riche planteur qui vient juste de rentrer en Angleterre. Mais le comte a lui aussi été remarqué par deux autres danseuses, Gloria et Clytie, qui savent repérer les hommes riches et en tirer profit.
Non-Stop New York, 1h12
Directed by Robert Stevenson
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Crime, Romance
Themes Transport films, Aviation films
Actors John Loder, Anna Lee, Francis L. Sullivan, Frank Cellier, Desmond Tester, Athene Seyler
Roles Mrs. Carr
Rating65% 3.289683.289683.289683.289683.28968
On New Year's Eve 1938, lawyer Billy Cooper notices stranded English showgirl Jennie Carr (Anna Lee) gazing hungrily at other diners' plates and offers to buy her a meal. However, the restaurant is all out of food, so he invites her to his apartment. Before they arrive, Abel, another equally hungry and unemployed person, sneaks in for a chicken leg. Hearing them coming, he hides in a bedroom. When Jennie enters the room to remove her coat, he begs her not to cause trouble. She sympathizes with his plight and says nothing to Billy.
The High Command, 1h24
Directed by Thorold Dickinson
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, War, Crime
Actors Lionel Atwill, Lucie Mannheim, Steven Geray, James Mason, Allan Jeayes, Wally Patch
Roles Miss Isabella Hobson Tuff
Rating59% 2.952952.952952.952952.952952.95295
This is the improbable tale of an English officer who murders a man in Ireland for chivalrous reasons. Years later, he has risen to the rank of Major-General, and is stationed in West Africa. There, his old crime is discovered, and he allows himself to be murdered rather than involve his daughter in his own disgrace.