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Guglielmo Sinaz is a Actor Italien born on 20 november 1885 at Rome (Italie)

Guglielmo Sinaz

Guglielmo Sinaz
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Nationality Italie
Birth 20 november 1885 at Rome (Italie)
Death 5 february 1947 (at 61 years) at Rome (Italie)

Guglielmo Sinaz (20 November 1885 – 5 February 1947) was an Italian film actor. He appeared in 61 films between 1935 and 1947. He was born and died in Rome, Italy.

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Filmography of Guglielmo Sinaz (17 films)

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Before Him All Rome Trembled, 1h38
Directed by Carmine Gallone
Genres Drama, War, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Political films, Films based on operas
Actors Anna Magnani, Hans Hinrich, Guido Notari, Carlo Duse, Ave Ninchi, Tino Scotti
Roles Stagehand
Rating63% 3.180833.180833.180833.180833.18083
A cause de la jalousie d'une femme, la Gestapo decouvre qu'un tenor de l'opera de Rome cache un soldat anglais.
Bengasi (1942)
, 1h30
Directed by Augusto Genina, Primo Zeglio
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War
Themes Films set in Africa, Political films, Le désert, Guerre du désert
Actors Fosco Giachetti, Maria von Tasnady, Gino Buzzanca, Vivi Gioi, Gabriele Ferzetti, Carlo Tamberlani
Rating67% 3.384383.384383.384383.384383.38438
The film is set in 1941 during the Second World War, when the city of Benghazi in Italian-ruled Libya was occupied by British forces. Italian inhabitants of Benghazi work to resist the British and discover their military plans. One man, Captain Enrico Berti, appears to be collaborating with the British but is in fact working undercover for Italian intelligence. The film ends with the city being recaptured by Italian troops and their Nazi German allies.
The Jester's Supper, 1h26
Directed by Alessandro Blasetti
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Historical, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Gino Buzzanca, Osvaldo Valenti, Clara Calamai, Alfredo Varelli, Valentina Cortese, Memo Benassi
Rating66% 3.321973.321973.321973.321973.32197
L'action se déroule dans la Florence du XV siècle de Laurent le magnifique. Les frères Neri et Gabriello Chiaramantesi sont des personnages arrogants qui persécutent depuis des années Giannetto Malespini avec des blagues pesantes et des provocations de plus en plus cruelles mettant au défi le pacifique et patient Giannetto de réagir aux insultes et affronts.
Non me lo dire!, 1h15
Directed by Mario Mattoli
Genres Comedy
Actors Erminio Macario, Wanda Osiris, Silvana Jachino, Enzo Biliotti, Nino Pavese, Tino Scotti
Roles Il primo falso creditore
Rating60% 3.0118853.0118853.0118853.0118853.011885
The Siege of the Alcazar
Directed by Augusto Genina
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War
Themes Politique, Political films
Actors Fosco Giachetti, María Denis, Mireille Balin, Rafael Calvo, Carlo Tamberlani, Aldo Fiorelli
Roles Deputato di Madrid
Rating59% 2.9976152.9976152.9976152.9976152.997615
The Alcázar of Toledo is a historical fortification taken by Franquist troops during the Spanish Civil War. The Republicans invest the Alcazar and besiege it for months against determined Nationalist resistance, before the siege was lifted by Franco with the Army of Africa.
We Were Seven Sisters, 1h37
Directed by Nunzio Malasomma, Mario Mattoli
Actors Antonio Gandusio, Elena Altieri, Sergio Tofano, Guglielmo Barnabò, Pina Renzi, Paola Barbara
Roles Fachinetti, il impresario

Sept danseuses sans le sou et sans travail décident de tromper Leone Varanai, un vieux et riche comte se déclarant ses filles et s'installent dans sa villa. Peu de temps après arrive Léonard, le fils légitime, professeur sérieux, qui finit par découvrir la vérité. Néanmoins, le comte est très heureux d'avoir adopté autant de filles et le jeune homme tombe amoureux de Lisa, l'initiatrice de la tromperie, et parvient à l'épouser.
Luciano Serra, Pilot, 1h42
Directed by Goffredo Alessandrini
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War
Themes Transport films, Aviation films
Actors Gino Buzzanca, Germana Paolieri, Mario Ferrari, Guglielmo Sinaz, Egisto Olivieri, Andrea Checchi
Roles Jose Ribera
Rating58% 2.9264152.9264152.9264152.9264152.926415
Luciano Serra, valeureux aviateur lors de la Première Guerre mondiale, se retrouve désormais sans but. Il gagne quelque argent en assurant, à l'aide d'un modeste hydravion, le baptême de l'air de touristes en mal de sensations. En 1921, il s'embarque alors pour l'Amérique du Sud, espérant y faire fortune. Là-bas, des financiers lui proposent d'organiser un raid aérien au-dessus de l'Océan Atlantique de Rio de Janeiro à Rome. Trahi par des commanditaires sans scrupules, Luciano n'abandonne pas l'entreprise mais, il disparaît, à bord de son engin, en 1931. Très attaché à l'histoire de son père, Aldo Serra, entre à l'Académie aéronautique de Caserte et participe dès 1935 à la conquête coloniale en Éthiopie. Luciano Serra est, quant à lui, toujours vivant et se retrouve également en Abyssinie. Lors d'une opération dramatique, il sauve son fils, au mépris du danger, mais doit y laisser sa vie.
Naples of Olden Times, 1h25
Directed by Amleto Palermi
Genres Comedy, Musical
Themes Musical films
Actors Vittorio De Sica, Emma Gramatica, Elisa Cegani, María Denis, Olga Vittoria Gentilli, Giuseppe Porelli
Roles Impiegato di casa Ricordi

At the beginning of the Twentieth century, a young employee of a Naples shop dreams of becoming a famous singer.
Hands Off Me!, 1h17
Genres Comedy
Actors Totò, Tina Pica, Franco Coop, Oreste Bilancia, Cesare Polacco, Luigi Erminio D'Olivo
Roles Il capo cameriere al locale notturno
Rating62% 3.1350853.1350853.1350853.1350853.135085
In his first story, Totò plays the poor wanderer who meets up with a gentleman in poor economic conditions. The two try to earn a living as best they can, but because of their ineptitude, always end up incurring misfortune and hatred of all. After being kicked out of a beauty salon because he was disguised as a nurse, Totò makes a bet between nobles and later wins a competition and a lot of money after replacing a famous conductor who was sick. Here Totò will show his theatrical flair performing in the famous gag of "Uncoordinated muppet". After having won the satisfactory sum, Totò will also discover to be of a noble family.