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Hans Schweikart is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter and Producer Allemand born on 1 october 1895 at Berlin (German)

Hans Schweikart

Hans Schweikart
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Nationality German
Birth 1 october 1895 at Berlin (German)
Death 1 december 1975 (at 80 years) at Munich (German)
Awards Bavarian Order of Merit, Grand Merit Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany

Hans Schweikart (1 October 1895 – 1 December 1975) was a German film director, actor and screenwriter. He directed 28 films between 1938 and 1968. He wrote for the film The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi, which was entered into the 11th Berlin International Film Festival.


Il obtint son premier succès en tant que réalisateur en 1940 avec Befreite Hände (Les Mains libres) qui sortit aux États-Unis sous le nom de Freed Hands, où il fit jouer Olga Tchekhova, actrice célèbre de l'époque.

Il réalise exclusivement pour la télévision à partir de 1958.

Il fut directeur du théâtre Kammerspiele de Munich, de 1947 à 1972.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Hans Schweikart (11 films)

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The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi, 1h34
Directed by Kurt Hoffmann
Origin German
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Monde imaginaire, Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors O. E. Hasse, Johanna von Koczian, Hansjörg Felmy, Martin Held, Charles Régnier, Max Haufler
Rating62% 3.1291253.1291253.1291253.1291253.129125
Le film s'ouvre sur la même scène à deux endroits différents : Oxford et Moscou. Deux hommes se serrent la main et vont dans des directions opposées. Tandis que l'un, Mississippi, chrétien pratiquant la Bible à la main, va à l'ouest, l'autre, René Saint-Claude, a Le Capital de Karl Marx. Une narratrice dit : "Deux amis ont décidé de changer le monde, l'un par la loi de Moïse, l'autre par la révolution mondiale". Puis l'un est mort, l'autre a empoisonné sa femme. Cependant les deux morts ont un lien.
Marriage in the Shadows, 1h44
Directed by Kurt Maetzig
Genres Drama
Themes Films about religion, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Ilse Steppat, Claus Holm, Hans Leibelt, Karl Hellmer, Willy Prager
Roles Novel
Rating71% 3.5622253.5622253.5622253.5622253.562225
Actor Hans Wieland refuses to divorce his actress wife, Elisabeth, who is Jewish, even as extreme pressure is applied on him by the Nazi authorities. He even takes her to a premiere of one of his films where she is unwittingly introduced to a high Nazi Party official. Upon later discovering that the charming woman at the premiere was in fact Jewish, he orders her arrest. Hans Wieland is given an ultimatum by his former friend Herbert Blohm, now a Nazi official at the Reichskulturministerium (culture ministry), to save himself by divorcing his wife. Knowing that his wife will die in a concentration camp, Hans Wieland returns home and they drink poison in coffee whilst reciting the closing scene of Friedrich Schiller's tragic play Kabale und Liebe together.


The Comedians, 1h51
Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Genres Drama
Actors Käthe Dorsch, Gustav Diessl, Hilde Krahl, Henny Porten, Richard Häussler, Friedrich Domin
Roles Producer
Rating68% 3.4450053.4450053.4450053.4450053.445005
Karoline Neuber attempts to improve the lot of actors, who are looked down upon as vagabonds. When the Duchess refuses to let her son marry an actress, she defends them with such vehemence that she is driven from the country and finally dies in solitude.