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Mahmoud el-Meliguy is a Actor Egyptien born on 22 december 1910 at Cairo (Egypte)

Mahmoud el-Meliguy

Mahmoud el-Meliguy
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Birth name Mahmoud el-Meliguy
Nationality Egypte
Birth 22 december 1910 at Cairo (Egypte)
Death 6 june 1983 (at 72 years)

Mahmoud el-Meliguy (Arabic: محمود المليجي‎, Maḥmoūd al-Meleygī; 22 December 1910 – 6 June 1983) was an Egyptian screenwriter and an actor of film, theatre, and television. He started his career playing minor roles, but achieved stardom in the late 1930s. A popular and award-winning actor, he has acted in hundreds of films and was famous for his evil, villain roles. Because of his resemblance to Marlon Brando, he is nicknamed “Marlon Brando of the East”.


Mahmoud el-Meliguy met the Egyptian actress Alwiya Gamil in 1938 and married her in 1939. He acted in several films with her. The couple had a happy and strong relationship. They did not have children together but raised two sons, Gamal El-Din and Morsi, and a daughter, Isis, from Olwiyya's previous marriage. In 1963, after 24 years of his marriage to Olwiyya Gamil, he married another woman, a young actress named Fawziyah al-Ansari, but their marriage lasted no longer than three days. Olwiyya had allegedly compelled him to divorce her. His marriage with Olwiyya Gamil ended in 1983, with his death.

Usually with

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Filmography of Mahmoud el-Meliguy (18 films)

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An Egyptian Story, 1h55
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Genres Drama, Fantasy
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Nour El-Sherif, Mohamed Mounir محمد منير, Youssra, Soheir El Bably, Youssef Chahine, Mahmoud el-Meliguy
Rating72% 3.6411753.6411753.6411753.6411753.641175
During his open heart surgery, an Egyptian filmmaker named Yehia has flashbacks and remembers his life. "Yehia" is the same character from the 1979 film Alexandria... Why?
Alexandria… Why?, 2h13
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Genres Drama, War
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Ahmed Zaki, Mahmoud el-Meliguy, Youssef Wahbi, Gerry Sundquist, Naglaa Fathi, Yehia Chahine
Roles Qadry (as Mahmoud El Meligui)
Rating71% 3.59253.59253.59253.59253.5925
Le film entrecroise plusieurs histoires en 1942, à Alexandrie, peu avant la bataille d'El-Alamein. Un étudiant de cinéma rêve de partir travailler à Hollywood, un militaire se découvre sentimental…
Return of the Prodigal Son, 2h
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, Musical
Actors Mahmoud el-Meliguy, Hoda Soltane, Sid Ali Kouiret
Rating70% 3.5329253.5329253.5329253.5329253.532925
Ali est attendu dans le village de Mitchaboura par les siens, les Madbouly, propriétaires d’une petite entreprise, et par les ouvriers pour qui il représente l’espoir. Pour Ibrahim, le fils de Tolba, le retour d’Ali, son oncle, doit lui permettre d’aller étudier à l’étranger ; ce à quoi s’oppose son père.
The Sparrow, 1h45
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Actors Mahmoud el-Meliguy, Salah Mansour, Mariem Fakhr El Dine, Sid Ali Kouiret
Rating68% 3.4342453.4342453.4342453.4342453.434245
June, 1967, on the eve of the Six-Day War. The Sparrow follows a young police officer stationed in a small village in Upper Egypt whose inhabitants suffer the harassment of a corrupt businessman. The police officer crosses paths with a journalist who is investigating what appears to be a scandal involving the theft of weapons and war machinery by high officials. Youssef Chahine offers us a portrait of the “sparrows”, the simple people of his country whom others use to get rich.
The Land
The Land (1970)
, 2h10
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Genres Drama
Actors Yehia Chahine, Mahmoud el-Meliguy
Roles Mohamed Abu Swelam
Rating79% 3.9952353.9952353.9952353.9952353.995235
Dans les années 1930, une monarchie sous tutelle de la Grande-Bretagne gouverne l’Égypte. Loin du Caire, les paysans d’un village vivent péniblement. Un jour, pour favoriser les propriétaires terriens, les autorités décident de restreindre les permis d’irrigation. Accablés, les paysans tentent de se révolter.
Saladin the Victorious, 2h55
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, War, Action, Adventure, Historical
Themes Politique, Films about religion, Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Ahmed Mazhar, Nadia Lutfi, Salah Zulfikar, Mahmoud el-Meliguy
Roles Conrad, Marquis of Montferrat
Rating74% 3.74573.74573.74573.74573.7457
The story of Saladin (Ahmed Mazhar) portrays the title character, ruler of the kingdoms surrounding Jerusalem, during the events of the Third Crusade. The film starts with Jerusalem, which is under the authority of the Christians of Europe, having its Muslim pilgrims slaughtered by the Christians in the holy lands. Saladin upon hearing this news seeks the reclamation of the holy lands in a short, almost impossible campaign. He succeeds in taking back Jerusalem, which leads the powers of Europe to organize the Third Crusade with the combined forces of the French king (Omar El-Hariri) and German emperor under the leadership of Richard the Lionheart of England. Saladin succeeds in preventing the recapture of Jerusalem, and in the end negotiations between himself and Richard (whom Saladin admires as the only honorable infidel leader) leave the Holy Land in Muslim hands.
Al-Malak al-Zalem
Actors Faten Hamama, Kamal el-Shennawi, Seraj Munir, Mahmoud el-Meliguy, Hind Rostom
Rating59% 2.971172.971172.971172.971172.97117
Nadia's (Faten Hamama) father is prisoned for a murder crime he didn't commit. His lawyer fails to get him out of jail, and decides to raise his daughter. Years later, after Nadia has finished her school education, she enters college, where she is assigned to do a research on prisoners and their social effect. In prison, she meets a prisoner who claims to be her father. At first she doesn't believe him, but after checking his documents and ID, she discovers that he's not lying, that he is actually her real father.
House No. 13
Directed by Kamal El Sheikh
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Faten Hamama, Mahmoud el-Meliguy, Emad Hamdy, Seraj Munir, Ferdoos Mohammed
Roles Dr. Assem Ebrahim
Rating68% 3.4020253.4020253.4020253.4020253.402025
A psychotic psychiatrist has killed a young man, `Abbas, and plans a conspiracy. He convinces his friend and patient, Sharif, that he had killed `Abbas after hypnotizing him. He also orders Sharif to give him the money that `Abbas's wife should receive, all to make Sharif seem like the suspect. Sharif is believed to have killed `Abbas for the money, and is shockingly arrested during his wedding.
Son of the Nile, 2h5
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Faten Hamama, Yehia Chahine, Mahmoud el-Meliguy, Ferdoos Mohammed
Roles the gang boss
Rating67% 3.3725153.3725153.3725153.3725153.372515
Hemaidah (shokry sarhan) is a farmer who hates country life. He hates working in fields and taking care of the animals in his farm. Though unsatisfied with her, he marries Zebeidah (Faten Hamama), a woman in the same village. He is determined to leave the village, move and live in the city. He plans for his travel and asks his brother to look after his farm and family. In Cairo, Hemaidah falls in the hands of a gang, headed by a ruthless gangster. Not wishing to risk his life, he is forced to work with the gang and help them in their crimes. He is introduced to theft and harlotry, and one day the police arrest the gang. Hemaidah spends his time in prison and returns to his village after his release, regretting that he had left it.
Your Day Will Come
Directed by Salah Abou Seif, Salah Abou-Sayf
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Faten Hamama, Mahmoud el-Meliguy, Ferdoos Mohammed
Rating59% 2.96722.96722.96722.96722.9672
A greedy man betrays his friend and falls in love with his wife, who is a rich lady. He kills him and marries the widow. He steals her money and jewellery and mistreats her. He is then arrested by the police and receives his punishment.