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Rainer Brandt is a Actor and Scriptwriter Allemand born on 19 january 1936 at Berlin (German)

Rainer Brandt

Rainer Brandt
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Nationality German
Birth 19 january 1936 at Berlin (German)
Death 1 august 2024 (at 88 years)

Rainer Brandt (born 19 January 1936) is a German film actor. He appeared in 40 films between 1959 and 1986. He was born in Berlin, Germany.

Usually with

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Filmography of Rainer Brandt (12 films)

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Island of Lost Girls, 1h28
Directed by Roberto Mauri
Origin German
Genres Spy, Crime
Themes Spy films, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films
Actors Tony Kendall, Bradford Harris, Loni Heuser, Herbert Fux, Hansi Linder, Hannelore Auer
Roles Voic of Capt. Tom Rowland
Rating52% 2.6400552.6400552.6400552.6400552.640055
Madame Kim So est connue en Thaïlande comme une grande bienfaitrice, mais elle possède aussi "L'Île aux mille fleurs de lotus". Sur cette île, elle entraîne des nombreuses filles qui sont enlevées et soumises à la torture, offertes à des touristes sexuels étrangers. Le signe distinctif de la bande de Kim So est un tatouage avec trois serpents.
The Monster of Blackwood Castle, 1h32
Directed by Alfred Vohrer
Genres Crime
Actors Heinz Drache, Ilse Pagé, Mady Rahl, Horst Tappert, Agnes Windeck, Karin Baal
Roles Tom Heynes
Rating62% 3.100983.100983.100983.100983.10098
Une jeune femme se rend au château de Blackwood dont elle a hérité à la mort de son père. Des évènements étranges se produisent, et des morts inexpliquées se succèdent.
Funeral in Berlin, 1h42
Directed by Guy Hamilton, Peter Medak
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Spy
Themes Spy films, Political films
Actors Michael Caine, Paul Hubschmid, Oskar Homolka, Marthe Keller, Hugh Burden, Guy Doleman
Roles Benjamin
Rating67% 3.396093.396093.396093.396093.39609
Berlin in the 1960s is a city divided between Cold War lines with inhabitants of the Communist East trying to escape to the West. Even with the Berlin Wall these escapes are common and successful.
Kiss Kiss, Kill Kill, 1h32
Directed by Gianfranco Parolini
Origin German
Genres Spy, Crime
Themes Spy films, Buddy films
Actors Tony Kendall, Bradford Harris, Maria Perschy, Jacques Bézard, Christa Linder, Danielle Godet
Roles Voic of Capt. Tom Rowland
Rating59% 2.95722.95722.95722.95722.9572
Les quatre marchands d'armes Al Costello, Manuel Prado, Henry Mail et O'Brien ont fait fortune avec leur entreprise et cachent leur or dans une île. Contre l'avis d'O'Brien, le métal est contaminé radioactivement pour cinq années. O'Brien oblige le physicien nucléaire Bob Carel à mettre un point une méthode de lavage afin de profiter de l'or avant. Il disparaît ensuite comme Costello et Prado après un attentat à la bombe.
Jerry Cotton: Tip Not Included
Directed by Helmuth Ashley
Genres Crime
Actors George Nader, Yvonne Monlaur, Horst Tappert, Heinz Weiss, Richard Münch, Ullrich Haupt
Roles Stanley
Rating58% 2.916322.916322.916322.916322.91632
An elaborate bank robbery takes place and the gangsters succeed although the FBI had been warned. The bank president dies of a heart attack. Jerry Cotton, who is considered accountable for this major failure, loses his badge over this. Being the man he is, Cotton doesn't let the evil-doers forget that he has unfinished business with them. He catches even the last one although he must jump onto a flying helicopter in order to get him.
The Last Ride to Santa Cruz, 1h35
Directed by Rolf Olsen
Origin German
Genres Western
Actors Edmund Purdom, Mario Adorf, Marianne Koch, Marisa Mell, Klaus Kinski, Sieghardt Rupp
Roles Voice of Pedro Ortiz (voice) (uncredited)
Rating47% 2.358422.358422.358422.358422.35842
Le bandit Pedro Ortiz est libéré de prison et va en compagnie de ses deux acolytes José et Fernando vers la mine d'argent de Santa Cruz, où il a caché le butin de son dernier forfait. Mais il veut d'abord se venger de Rex Kelly qui l'a arrêté. Mais ce dernier n'est plus shérif, il dirige aujourd'hui une banque. Ortiz enlève sa femme et son fils et demande une forte rançon. Kelly se lance à sa poursuite pour sauver sa famille. Sur la montagne, ils se battent en duel.
The Indian Scarf, 1h26
Directed by Alfred Vohrer
Origin German
Genres Drama, Thriller, Crime
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Heinz Drache, Klaus Kinski, Hans Nielsen, Gisela Uhlen, Hans Clarin, Siegfried Schürenberg
Roles Inspektor Fuchsberger (voice)
Rating65% 3.2941953.2941953.2941953.2941953.294195
After the rich Lord Lebanon has been strangled, a group of different characters assembles at Mark's Priory, his lonely manor in the north of Scotland, to attend the reading of his will. However, as lawyer Frank Tanner explains—in reading a "second-to-last-will"—to the potential heirs, they will first have to stay together at the manor for six days and six nights. Thinking that Lebanon has died of heart failure they all agree. It turns out to be a dangerous requirement as the manor is cut off from the outside world by a storm and one by one the visitors are murdered—strangled with an Indian scarf. In the end, of all the guests, family and staff only Tanner, Isla Harris and Bonwit the butler survive. The last will is read and it is revealed that Lord Lebanon has in fact left all his money to the man he considered to be the greatest of the century: Edgar Wallace.
Das Riesenrad, 1h50
Directed by Géza von Radványi
Origin German
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Maria Schell, O.W. Fischer, Adrienne Gessner, Rudolf Forster, Doris Kirchner, Gusti Wolf
Roles Fähnrich Lothar Höpfner
Rating61% 3.0857053.0857053.0857053.0857053.085705
De l’empire austro-hongrois de la fin du XIX siècle jusqu’à sa chute au début du XX siècle, Elisabeth et Rudolf Hill (Maria Schell et O. W. Fischer), un couple aristocratique viennois, va connaître petits bonheurs et grands malheurs (Première Guerre mondiale et décès de leur fils) et être la proie des tentations qui guettent les êtres humains. Au-delà de leurs erreurs, les époux Hill resteront ensemble jusqu’au bout de leur « roue de la vie » telle l’immuable et festive Grande Roue du Prater de Vienne.
The Avenger, 1h39
Directed by Karl Anton
Origin German
Genres Horror, Crime
Actors Heinz Drache, Ingrid van Bergen, Siegfried Schürenberg, Klaus Kinski, Rainer Brandt, Friedrich Schoenfelder
Roles Reggie Conolly, Schauspieler
Rating58% 2.9126052.9126052.9126052.9126052.912605
A number of packaged disembodied heads have been in random areas of the English countryside. In each package is a letter to the police from the killer, who dubs himself "The Executioner." Each victim is seemingly unrelated to one another. When a Scotland Yard employee is killed, Detective Mike Brixan (Heinz Drache) of Special Branch is called in to investigate. The only clue is that a black, four-door sedan has been seen at the scene of the crime, and that the typewriter that the letters have been written on have two offset letters.
Horrors of Spider Island, 1h22
Directed by Wolf C. Hartwig, Fritz Böttger
Origin German
Genres Horror
Themes Films about animals, Films about music and musicians, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Sexploitation films, Natural horror films, Films about spiders, Musical films
Actors Alexander D'Arcy, Barbara Valentin, Rainer Brandt
Roles Bobby
Rating27% 1.361931.361931.361931.361931.36193
Gary, a nightclub manager, flies a group of women from New York City to dance in his club in Singapore. While flying over the Pacific Ocean, their plane catches fire, splits in half, and plummets into the ocean; oddly enough, no one in Gary's group is killed. We next see the group a few days later, suffering from dehydration on a life raft, when they finally spot a small island and stagger to dry land.


They Called Him Bulldozer, 1h50
Directed by Michele Lupo
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Action
Themes Sports films, American football films
Actors Bud Spencer, Raimund Harmstorf, Reinhard Kolldehoff, Nando Paone, Riccardo Pizzuti, Giovanni Cianfriglia
Roles Writer
Rating67% 3.351483.351483.351483.351483.35148
Bulldozer is a sailor and a retired American football superstar; landed by accident in the port of Livorno, he is involved in a sport challenge.
Flatfoot in Africa, 1h55
Directed by Steno
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Action, Crime
Themes Films set in Africa
Actors Bud Spencer, Enzo Cannavale, Werner Pochath, Joe Stewardson, Dagmar Lassander, Antonio Allocca
Rating61% 3.0983453.0983453.0983453.0983453.098345
A trail of illicit diamonds takes Flatfoot and his acquaintance, Naples police commissioner Caputo, from Johannesburg to Swakopmund in the hopes of breaking up a South African smuggling ring. They are joined by Bodo, an African child, and confounded in their search by corrupt mining officials and an antagonistic inspector in the South-West African police.