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Rudolf Klicks is a Actor born on 21 may 1917

Rudolf Klicks

Rudolf Klicks
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Birth 21 may 1917
Death 5 september 1997 (at 80 years)

Rudolf Klicks (1917–1997) was a German film actor.

Usually with

Sepp Allgeier
Sepp Allgeier
(1 films)
Richard Angst
Richard Angst
(1 films)
Sepp Rist
Sepp Rist
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Rudolf Klicks (5 films)

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The Four Companions, 1h36
Origin German
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Films based on plays
Actors Ingrid Bergman, Carsta Löck, Sabine Peters, Ursula Herking, Erich Ponto, Heinz Welzel
Roles Direktor der graphischen Berufsschule
Rating60% 3.001733.001733.001733.001733.00173
After graduation, four female art students attempt to set up their own advertising agency.
The Dreamer, 1h38
Origin German
Genres Drama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Emil Jannings, Hans Brausewetter, Hannes Stelzer, Hans Joachim Schaufuß, Hans Richter, Herbert Hübner
Roles Mann
Rating65% 3.295453.295453.295453.295453.29545
Une petite ville de garnison dans le nord de l'Allemagne. Le professeur Niemeyer est directeur d'un gymnasium, il est surnommé par les élèves Traumulus à cause de ses idées surannées. Ses valeurs sont celles du siècle dernier, ses idées de décence, de l'éthique et de la morale suscitent chez eux acquiescements et émerveillements. Son élève préféré est Kurt von Zedlitz, descendant d'une famille de vieille noblesse. Encore une fois, le jeune homme retourne en douce au dortoir de l'école. Kurt fait croire à ses camarades qu'il a une histoire d'amour en ville.
Die Reiter von Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1h29
Directed by Herbert Selpin
Genres Drama, Adventure
Themes Films set in Africa, Political films
Actors Sepp Rist, Peter Voß, Georg H. Schnell, Rudolf Klicks, Louis Brody, Vivigenz Eickstedt
Roles Volontär Wilm Klix
Rating60% 3.0003353.0003353.0003353.0003353.000335
Sepp Rist plays the role of Hellhoff, a German farmer in German East Africa, who is conscripted into the Schutztruppe (German armed colonial force) at the beginning of the First World War. His wife Gerda and the young volunteer Klix manage the plantation while he is away. In 1916, the plantation is occupied by a British unit. The commander, Major Cresswell, knows Gerda is secretly supplying Hellhoff and his comrades who are concealed in the bush. He tries to use his old friendship with the Hellhoffs put a stop to her activities. In order to carry out his duty as a British officer, he has his troops occupy the area's water supply to force the German soldiers to surrender. As Hellhoff's wife and Klix are trying to clandestinely supply water to Hellhoff, she is arrested and the boy shot. He still manages to bring the canteen to the soldiers before he dies. Hellhoff and his men liberate Gerda, who was to be taken away for trial by a British military court, and make off with water and horses. On their way to join up with Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck's East African Schutztruppe command, they stop at Klix's grave. Hellhoff promises the dead boy he will come back sooner or later — an allusion to the recovery of the lost colony through German victory in the First World War.