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Sepp Rist is a Actor born on 24 february 1900

Sepp Rist

Sepp Rist
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Birth 24 february 1900
Death 11 december 1980 (at 80 years)

Sepp Rist (1900–1980) was a German film actor. In WW1 he served in the Imperial German Navy. He was married to the actress Carla Rust.

Usually with

Arnold Fanck
Arnold Fanck
(4 films)
Richard Angst
Richard Angst
(4 films)
Harald Reinl
Harald Reinl
(4 films)
Sepp Allgeier
Sepp Allgeier
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Sepp Rist (17 films)

Display filmography as list


Wenn Ludwig ins Manöver zieht
Directed by Werner Jacobs
Genres Comedy
Themes Military humor in film
Actors Hansi Kraus, Hubert von Meyerinck, Chantal Goya, Georg Thomalla, Hans Quest, Dieter Borsche
Roles Colonel von der Tann
Rating48% 2.4082352.4082352.4082352.4082352.408235
The Prussian Army comes to Bavaria for a military exercise. They show off and try to demonstrate superiority. Yet they don't stand a chance because they are not prepared to tackle Ludwig's nifty pranks.
Waldrausch (1962)
, 1h29
Directed by Paul May
Origin Austria
Genres Drama
Actors Marianne Hold, Gerhard Riedmann, Ingeborg Schöner, Sieghardt Rupp, Paul Hartmann, Adrienne Gessner
Roles Der Mann von Kaprun
Rating58% 2.9271052.9271052.9271052.9271052.927105
Ambros Lutz retourne dans son village natal, Maria Schnee, après des années. Il est ingénieur et construira un barrage à Maria Schnee. Au début, il se fait des ennemis parmi les villageois, qui doivent être réinstallés. Surtout, Crispin Sagenbacher s'oppose à la vente de son terrain, demande enfin des prix usuraires et ne cède que lorsque Ambros lui propose de lui permettre de gérer la cantine du chantier. À son tour, Crispin attise la colère des travailleurs de la construction, car il réclame des prix trop élevés pour les boissons et les aliments.
Drei Mann in einem Boot, 1h30
Directed by Helmut Weiss
Genres Comedy
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Walter Giller, Heinz Erhardt, Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff, Susanne Cramer, Loni Heuser, Josef Sieber
Roles Guggemos
Rating62% 3.1039953.1039953.1039953.1039953.103995
The advertisement salesmen Harry Berg und Jerome, named "Jo", Sommer are on holiday at the Bodensee alone. Jo is trying to catch the young girl Grit and Harry wants to get rid of his intrusive girlfriend Julitschka. When she suddenly appears, Harry and Jo are trying to buy a boat to drive away. They also find a dog and call him "Sputnik".
The Devil Makes Three, 1h36
Directed by Andrew Marton
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Crime, Romance
Actors Pier Angeli, Gene Kelly, Richard Egan, Richard Steven Rauber, Claus Clausen, Otto Gebühr
Roles Border Control Officer
Rating61% 3.0977353.0977353.0977353.0977353.097735
Captain Jeff Eliot returns to Germany in 1947 to visit the family who rescued him and hid him from the Nazis after his plane was shot down over Munich in World War II.
Titanic (1943)
, 1h25
Directed by Herbert Selpin, Werner Klingler
Origin German
Genres Drama, Action, Historical
Themes La fin du monde, Seafaring films, Politique, Transport films, RMS Titanic in fiction, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Political films, Documentary films about World War II, Disaster films, Films about seafaring accidents or incidents
Actors Sybille Schmitz, Hans Nielsen, Kirsten Heiberg, Otto Wernicke, Franz Schafheitlin, Ernst Fritz Fürbringer
Roles Jan
Rating60% 3.049153.049153.049153.049153.04915
The film opens with a proclamation to the White Star stockholders that the value of their stocks is falling. The president of White Star Line J. Bruce Ismay promises to reveal a secret during the maiden voyage of the Titanic that will change the fate of the stocks. He alone knows that the ship can break the world record in speed and believes this will raise the stock value. Ismay and the board of the White Star plan to lower the stocks by selling even their own stocks in order to buy them back at a lower price. They plan to buy them back just before the news about the record speed of the ship will be published to the press.
La Fille au vautour, 1h44
Directed by Hans Steinhoff
Origin German
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Actors Heidemarie Hatheyer, Sepp Rist, Eduard Köck, Winnie Markus, Mimi Gstöttner-Auer, Ludwig Auer
Roles Joseph Brandt ( Bärenjoseph )
Rating64% 3.2258353.2258353.2258353.2258353.225835
Dans les Alpes du Tyrol vers 1840. Wally, Heidemarie Hatheyer, une jeune montagnarde, est la fille unique d'Aloïs Fender, Edouard Köck, un riche veuf, agriculteur dans la vallée d'Ötztal. Elle est jeune, belle, intrépide, volontaire et travaille à la ferme comme un homme. Quand au péril de sa vie, elle escalade une falaise et capture un jeune vautour dans son aire malgré les attaques d'un rapace, elle suscite l'admiration de son père mais le mépris de Joseph, Sepp Rist, surnommé "L'ours", un jeune chasseur qui chasse avec le châtelain de la vallée, Gustav Waldau. Il la tourne en ridicule en l'appelant "La fille au vautour" car il pense qu'une jeune fille ne peut porter des pantalons et grimper dans les montagnes alentour.
The Traitor, 1h32
Origin German
Genres Drama
Themes Spy films, Politique, Political films
Actors Willy Birgel, Herbert A.E. Böhme, Paul Dahlke, Theodor Loos, Hans Zesch-Ballot, Volker von Collande
Roles Commissioner Kilian
Rating60% 3.046053.046053.046053.046053.04605
Des machinations sont exercées par d'"infâmes" agents étrangers auprès de la population allemande. Grâce à une annonce dans un journal, les agents de l'ennemi Morris et Geyer entrent en contact avec le concepteur Brockau qui a développé un nouveau gazéificateur de pétrole brut. Brockau a besoin d'argent car Marion, sa petite amie avide, le poussé à s'endetter de plus en plus.
Die Reiter von Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1h29
Directed by Herbert Selpin
Genres Drama, Adventure
Themes Films set in Africa, Political films
Actors Sepp Rist, Peter Voß, Georg H. Schnell, Rudolf Klicks, Louis Brody, Vivigenz Eickstedt
Roles Peter Hellhoff
Rating60% 3.0003553.0003553.0003553.0003553.000355
Sepp Rist plays the role of Hellhoff, a German farmer in German East Africa, who is conscripted into the Schutztruppe (German armed colonial force) at the beginning of the First World War. His wife Gerda and the young volunteer Klix manage the plantation while he is away. In 1916, the plantation is occupied by a British unit. The commander, Major Cresswell, knows Gerda is secretly supplying Hellhoff and his comrades who are concealed in the bush. He tries to use his old friendship with the Hellhoffs put a stop to her activities. In order to carry out his duty as a British officer, he has his troops occupy the area's water supply to force the German soldiers to surrender. As Hellhoff's wife and Klix are trying to clandestinely supply water to Hellhoff, she is arrested and the boy shot. He still manages to bring the canteen to the soldiers before he dies. Hellhoff and his men liberate Gerda, who was to be taken away for trial by a British military court, and make off with water and horses. On their way to join up with Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck's East African Schutztruppe command, they stop at Klix's grave. Hellhoff promises the dead boy he will come back sooner or later — an allusion to the recovery of the lost colony through German victory in the First World War.
S.O.S. Iceberg, 1h17
Directed by Tay Garnett, Arnold Fanck
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure
Themes Sports films, Transport films, Aviation films
Actors Leni Riefenstahl, Gibson Gowland, Gustav Diessl, Sepp Rist, Rod La Rocque
Roles Dr. Johannes Krafft
Rating62% 3.1369053.1369053.1369053.1369053.136905
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