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Sonia Viviani is a Actor Italienne born on 1 january 1958 at Rome (Italie)

Sonia Viviani

Sonia Viviani
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Nationality Italie
Birth 1 january 1958 (66 years) at Rome (Italie)

Sonia Viviani is a retired Italian actress and glamour model who is foremost known for her appearances in the Italian exploitation cinema and two films of acclaim in Turkey in the 1970s.

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Filmography of Sonia Viviani (13 films)

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Vacanze di Natale a Cortina, 1h48
Directed by Neri Parenti
Genres Comedy
Themes Christmas films
Actors Christian De Sica, Sabrina Ferilli, Ricky Memphis, Dario Bandiera, Ivano Marescotti, Mara Venier
Roles Moglie Brigatti
Rating47% 2.3509952.3509952.3509952.3509952.350995
During the Christmas holidays, in Cortina d'Ampezzo interweave three stories. The lawyer Covelli discovers that his wife is unfaithful, but in straight lines is not so, but the wife decides to play along. Two poor sellers want to make jealous their relatives peasants who have won the lottery. Finally, a Sicilian hairdresser must assist his master, who must sign a contract with a Russian rich man for the future of electricity in Italy.
Fantozzi to the Rescue, 1h22
Directed by Neri Parenti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Paolo Villaggio, Milena Vukotic, Gigi Reder, Anna Mazzamauro, Paul Müller, Luigi Petrucci
Rating58% 2.922382.922382.922382.922382.92238
New misadventures of Accountant Fantozzi, including managing the film career of his nephew Ughina; being juror in a mafia trial; taking lessons of violence by a hooligan; facing a marriage crisis and searching a new lover through a dating service.
The Adventures of Hercules, 1h28
Directed by Luigi Cozzi
Origin Italie
Genres Fantastic, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films based on mythology, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology, Dans la Grèce mythologique, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology
Actors Lou Ferrigno, Milly Carlucci, William Berger, Sonia Viviani, Claudio Cassinelli, Venantino Venantini
Roles Glaucia
Rating39% 1.975951.975951.975951.975951.97595
Tout semble paisible au royaume des Dieux. Zeus, satisfait du travail effectué par son fils, coule aujourd’hui des jours heureux… Bien entendu, cela ne dure pas et quatre Divinités lui volent ses sept éclairs magiques, rompant ainsi l’équilibre de l’univers. Blessé par une telle félonie, Zeus décide d’avoir recours une nouvelle fois à Hercule pour retrouver les précieuses reliques, rétablir l’ordre et repousser le mal.
Under Siege, 1h33
Directed by René Cardona Jr.
Origin Mexique
Genres Thriller, Action
Actors Stuart Whitman, Antonella Interlenghi, Marisa Mell, Hugo Stiglitz, Francisco Rabal, Mario Almada
Roles Laura
Rating56% 2.8094852.8094852.8094852.8094852.809485
Après avoir commis un hold-up, des gangsters tentent d'échapper à la police en prenant une famille en otage. Les bandits sont alors abattus les uns après les autres.
Nightmare City, 1h32
Directed by Umberto Lenzi
Origin Italie
Genres Action, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about religion, Films set in the future, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Political films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors Hugo Stiglitz, Maria Rosaria Omaggio, Laura Trotter, Mel Ferrer, Sonia Viviani, Francisco Rabal
Roles Cindy
Rating56% 2.8016852.8016852.8016852.8016852.801685
The American television news reporter Dean Miller (Hugo Stiglitz) waits at a European airport to interview a scientist about a recent nuclear accident. An unmarked military plane makes an emergency landing. The plane doors open and dozens of deformed people burst out and begin stabbing and shooting the military personnel outside; they prove to be resistant to the most grievous wounds and are relentless in their assault, stopping only to consume the blood of their victims. Miller tries to alert the public, but General Murchison of Civil Defense (Mel Ferrer) will not allow it. Miller tries to find his wife Anna (Laura Trotter), who works at a hospital, as the crazed assailants overrun the city, their ranks swollen by many of their former victims.
From Corleone to Brooklyn, 1h25
Directed by Umberto Lenzi
Origin Italie
Genres Crime
Themes Mafia films, Seafaring films, Transport films, Gangster films
Actors Mario Merola, Maurizio Merli, Van Johnson, Biagio Pelligra, Venantino Venantini, Sonia Viviani
Roles Liana Scalia
Rating63% 3.1918553.1918553.1918553.1918553.191855
Un officier de police italien, Berni, est chargé d'escorter un témoin à charge jusqu'aux États-Unis, afin que ce dernier identifie formellement Michele Barresi, un parrain de la mafia sur le point d'être extradé. Rendu sur les lieux, Berni réalise à ses dépens que la bureaucratie et l'inertie de certaines autorités ne le mettront pas à l'abri de représailles.
John Travolto: The Face with Two Left Feet, 1h40
Directed by Neri Parenti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors La Cicciolina, Claudio Bigagli, Angelo Infanti, Enzo Cannavale, Adriana Russo, Gloria Piedimonte
Roles Deborah
Rating53% 2.6934352.6934352.6934352.6934352.693435
Gianni, bien que très timide, est invité par ses amis à exploiter son extraordinaire ressemblance avec l'idole du moment John Travolta pour toucher le cœur d'Ilona (Ilona Staller), dj dans la boîte du sinistre Raoul, mais celui-ci n'est pas dupe, et voudrait se servir de cette histoire pour un coup de pub. Gianni, quant à lui, désire moins la gloire et la richesse qu'un amour sincère d'Ilona.
The Bloodstained Shadow, 1h49
Directed by Antonio Bido
Origin Italie
Genres Thriller, Horror
Themes Serial killer films
Actors Lino Capolicchio, Stefania Casini, Craig Hill, Massimo Serato, Juliette Mayniel, Laura Nucci
Roles Signora Nardi's Friend
Rating62% 3.148263.148263.148263.148263.14826
Une jeune fille est étranglée par un tueur en série dans un pré mais ce dernier ne laisse aucune trace. L'affaire est classée sans suite.
A Man Called Magnum, 1h41
Origin Italie
Genres Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Buddy films
Actors Luc Merenda, Enzo Cannavale, Claudio Gora, Adolfo lastretti, Sonia Viviani, Geoffrey Copleston
Roles Rosa
Rating58% 2.9497252.9497252.9497252.9497252.949725
Le commissaire de police Dario Mauri (Luc Merenda) est transféré de Milan à Naples. Pour sa première mission, il se retrouve en train d'enquêter sur un braquage dans une banque, avec le sergent Nicola Capece (Enzo Cannavale) comme coéquipier. L'affaire se complique quand Mauri découvre qu'il y a derrière cette affaire l'un des puissants patrons de la mafia napolitaine, Don Domenico Laurenzi (Claudio Gora). Les deux hommes découvrent alors les nombreux personnages qui naviguent dans le sillage du parrain, comme l'avocat Cerullo (Giancarlo Badessi ), les hommes de main Pasquale Donnaregina (Adolfo Lastretti) et Antonio Bonino (Ferdinando Murolo ) ou les femmes fatales Rosa (Sonia Viviani ) et Carola (Marianne Comtell).
Sweet Teen
Sweet Teen (1976)
, 1h32
Directed by Alfonso Brescia
Genres Comedy, Romance
Themes Seafaring films, Films about sexuality, Transport films, Erotic films
Actors Daniela Giordano, Tuccio Musumeci, Sonia Viviani, Dagmar Lassander, Giacomo Furia, Franca Scagnetti
Roles Serenella
Rating61% 3.0832753.0832753.0832753.0832753.083275
Vito Gnaula (Tuccio Musumeci) and Grazia Serritella (Daniela Giordano) are a Sicilian couple who marry after a series of turbulent events but Grazia is not willing to consummate their marriage, showing her father's sudden death as an excuse. Vito starts making sexual advances to his late father-in-law's secretary Katia (Dagmar Lassander) but he has to avoid any scandal for he may lose the rights to his rich father-in-law's inheritance. However, the arrival of Grazia's teenage niece Serenella (Sonia Viviani) moves things well beyond Vito's control.
Yuppi du
Yuppi du (1975)
, 2h
Directed by Adriano Celentano
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Claudia Mori, Adriano Celentano, Charlotte Rampling, Lino Toffolo, John Lee, Sonia Viviani
Roles Napoleone's girl
Rating59% 2.9877952.9877952.9877952.9877952.987795
Felice Pietà is a man of modest means living with his second wife, Adelaide. Together, they raise Monica, from his first marriage with Silvia, who committed suicide long ago.
Mondo Candido, 1h47
Directed by Francesco Prosperi, Gualtiero Jacopetti, Franco E. Prosperi
Genres Comedy, Adventure
Actors Jacques Herlin, Gianfranco D'Angelo, Salvatore Baccaro, Alessandro Haber, Sonia Viviani
Rating67% 3.3665053.3665053.3665053.3665053.366505
Candido (Christopher Brown) is a naïve young man raised by a Westphalian baron (Gianfranco D'Angelo). He is a devoted disciple of his tutor Dr. Panglos (Jacques Herlin) and a follower of his moral doctrines but cannot hide his feelings for the Baron's raunchy daughter Cunegonda (Michelle Miller). However, after a sudden invasion, Cunegonda disappears and Candido begins his errant in search of her and true love. The events take him to modern times and places like Israel where he witnesses the Arab–Israeli conflict and New York City, the living epitome of global capitalism.
Blood Brothers
Directed by Pasquale Squitieri
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Crime
Themes Mafia films, Gangster films
Actors Claudia Cardinale, Franco Nero, Fabio Testi, Lina Polito, Raymond Pellegrin, Nino Vingelli
Roles Donna Maria
Rating66% 3.3354153.3354153.3354153.3354153.335415
Naples, à la fin du XIXe siècle. Après un séjour en prison, le jeune Nicola Bellizzi s'installe dans un quartier misérable de la ville contrôlée par la Camorra. Son rêve est de changer complètement de vie pour devenir avocat. Il y rencontre le chef mafieux du quartier Don Gaetano, une brute proche de la mafia. Pour gagner de l'argent facilement, Nicola participe à un jeu de dés clandestin dans la rue sans savoir qu'il doit l'autorisation de Gaetano. Les deux hommes se battent sur la place publique mais, lorsque la police intervient pour arrêter leur bagarre, Nicola le défend. Pour le remercier, Gaetano lui propose de devenir son second dans la Camorra tout en continuant à étudier. Nicola accepte sa proposition et ils deviennent amis. Mais, peu à peu, Nicola est dégoûté par les méthodes employées de la mafia. Alors qu'il prend parti pour les pauvres, Nicola tente de rester l'ami de Gaetano. Les deux amis sont tous les deux amoureux de la femme, une certaine Lucia.