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Walter Röhrig is a Production Design and Costume Design

Walter Röhrig

Walter Röhrig
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Walter Röhrig, né le 13 avril 1892 à Berlin et mort en 6 décembre 1945 (à 53 ans) à Caputh) est un peintre allemand de la première moitié du XX siècle, qui fut aussi décorateur de théâtre et chef décorateur de cinéma.


Décorateur de théâtre à Zurich, Walter Röhrig se lance dans le cinéma en 1918, faisant équipe avec Hermann Warm et Walter Reimann, en particulier pour le fameux Le Cabinet du docteur Caligari (Robert Wiene, 1919 et La Peste à Florence (Otto Rippert, 1919), et avec Rochus Gliese et Hans Poelzig pour Le Golem (Paul Wegener et Carl Boese, 1920).

Il travaille également avec Robert Herlth sur quelques grands classiques de l’expressionnisme : Les Trois Lumières (Fritz Lang, 1921), Le Trésor (Georg Wilhelm Pabst, 1923), Le Dernier des hommes (Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1924), Tartuffe (Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1926) puis sur Le congrès s'amuse (Erik Charell, 1931) et La Guerre des valses (Ludwig Berger, 1933).

Sous le Troisième Reich, il signe, désormais seul, les décors de plusieurs films légers (Capriccio, Karl Ritter, 1938) ou ambitieux (Rembrandt, Hans Steinhoff, 1942).

Autres films auxquels il a participé : Luther – Ein Film der deutschen Reformation de Hans Kyser.

Usually with

Robert Herlth
Robert Herlth
(22 films)
Carl Hoffmann
Carl Hoffmann
(13 films)
Erich Pommer
Erich Pommer
(11 films)
Gustav Ucicky
Gustav Ucicky
(6 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Walter Röhrig (29 films)

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Via Mala
Via Mala (1945)
, 1h48
Directed by Josef von Báky
Genres Drama, Crime
Themes Films about families, Films about domestic violence
Actors Viktor Staal, Hilde Körber, Albert Florath, Karl Hellmer, Carl Kuhlmann, Renate Mannhardt
Roles Art Direction
Rating66% 3.3153053.3153053.3153053.3153053.315305
In a rural village, the tyrannical Jonas Lauretz intimidates his family, mistress and neighbours. After he disappears one night, it is widely believed that his eldest daughter, Silvelie, has murdered him. A new investigating judge arrives in the village, he falls in love with Silvelie. He becomes torn between his love for her and his duty to investigate the potential crime. Eventually it emerges that it was not Silvelie who murdered Jonas Lauretz but the village innkeeper Bündner. He is forgiven by everyone because they all shared his desire to murder him.
Homecoming (1941)
, 1h36
Directed by Gustav Ucicky
Genres Drama
Themes Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Political films, Documentary films about World War II
Actors Paula Wessely, Attila Hörbiger, Carl Raddatz, Otto Wernicke, Ruth Hellberg, Elsa Wagner
Roles Set Designer
Rating42% 2.116722.116722.116722.116722.11672
In the Wołyń Voivodeship in eastern Poland, the German minority is oppressed by the Polish majority. The physician Dr. Thomas does not have any hospital available and his daughter Marie, who teaches at a German school, and needs an important operation, watches when her school is disseized by Polish authorities and demolished by an angry mob. Dr. Thomas protests to the mayor, noting the constitutionally guaranteed minority rights; however his protest falls on deaf ears. Marie and her fiancé, Dr. Fritz Mutius, drive to the provincial capital, in order to put their protest to the Voivode (governor), but they are not even received there either. Deciding to stay in the capital in order to call on the court the next day, that evening they go to the cinema. They are accompanied there by her friend Karl Michalek, who has been pressed into service by the Polish Armed Forces. When they refuse to sing the Polish national anthem Mazurek Dąbrowskiego with the rest of the audience, Fritz gets grievously hurt by the furious Polish crowd. Marie tries to take her betrothed to a hospital, but he is refused admission and succumbs to his injuries.
Above All Else in the World, 1h25
Origin German
Genres Drama
Themes Politique, Political films
Actors Paul Hartmann, Hannes Stelzer, Fritz Kampers, Carl Raddatz, Oskar Sima, Berta Drews
Roles Set Designer
Rating65% 3.274443.274443.274443.274443.27444
Following the outbreak of war, Germans abroad face persecution from the British and French authorities.
Furlough on Parole, 1h27
Genres Drama, War
Themes Political films
Actors Fritz Kampers, Carl Raddatz, Rolf Möbius, Berta Drews, Käthe Haack, Heinrich Schroth
Roles Art Direction
Rating71% 3.5973253.5973253.5973253.5973253.597325
Based on the autobiographical novella of the same title by Kilian Koll, (Walter Julius Bloem, Jr.), the film is set late in 1918, during the final stages of the First World War. A troop of German infantry are on their way from the Eastern to the Western Front and must change trains in Berlin. After marching through the centre of the city from one station to another, they must wait several hours for their connecting train. The major in command gives strict orders that no one must go into this city full of "deserters, revolutionaries, and defeatists", even though most of the men are from Berlin, but in response to the pleading of Colonel Hartmann (Fritz Kampers), who had saved his life in the trenches, young Lieutenant Prätorius (Rolf Moebius) grants passes on the men's solemn promise to return in time: "I have your word of hono[u]r that you will return and fulfill your duty in this critical hour of the fatherland. The unit is counting on you—and so is Germany." The film follows several of the men, in particular four of different ages and from different milieux. Infantryman Ullrich Hagen (Wilhelm König) is a composer; he visits his music teacher, who will shortly be performing one of his works and begs him to be true to his talent rather than throwing his life away in a futile cause. Colonel Hartmann, who is middle-aged, surprises his young wife, Anna, who has replaced him at his work driving a tram; she begs him to stay with her and their four children rather than returning to a war which is already lost. The third, a young man, after discovering his only relative has died, meets a girl and falls in love for the first time. The fourth, Infantryman Emil Sasse (René Deltgen) is a "leftist intellectual" who was cursing the notion of 'heroic death' and announcing his intention to desert in the opening scenes of the film; he finds his girlfriend Fritzi (Margot Erbst) printing anti-war leaflets. All four, however, resist the temptation to desert. Hagen responds that his works can speak for themselves; the young man considers his companions closer to him than his new love; Sasse finds he no longer likes revolutionaries: "We soldiers are dying for our country while you drink, hold meetings, and make love. ... I have nothing in common with you any more." He fights his way out of the meeting and arrives with a black eye and bruises. Hartmann loses track of time, but his family all pile into a friend's lorry and race the train to the next station; the lieutenant spots the speeding vehicle and all the men are back as they promised.
Operation Michael
Genres Drama
Themes Political films, Films based on plays
Actors Heinrich George, Paul Otto, Willy Birgel, Mathias Wieman, Hannes Stelzer, Heinz Welzel
Roles Production Design
Rating66% 3.310273.310273.310273.310273.31027
The film is set in the First World War and is based on a 1932 play by Hans Fritz von Zwehl (Frühlingsschlacht, 'Spring Battle', originally also titled Unternehmen Michael) about the German offensive Operation Michael during the First World War, which was launched on 21 March 1918. The British are in possession of the village of Beaurevoir. The Germans plan to send in assault troops to take the village, but their commanding officer, Captain Hill, is injured the night before. A desk officer, Major zur Linden (Mathias Wieman), volunteers to lead the mission. The unit succeed but find themselves surrounded by the enemy. They discuss their options and Major zur Linden's advocacy of a heroic death for the sake of their country wins out over the defeatist and the traditional military pragmatist; the Germans declare a ceasefire and then the commanding general, in full knowledge, gives the order for their artillery to bombard the village as the British are storming it, thereby sacrificing their own men in order to kill the enemy. The sacrifice is not in vain; it enables the Germans to push forward to the British fortress, the 'Labyrinth'.
Valse royale, 1h35
Directed by Jean Grémillon
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Actors Renée Saint-Cyr, Mila Parély, Christian-Gérard, Adrien Le Gallo, Bernard Lancret, Lucien Dayle
Roles Production Design
Rating56% 2.81682.81682.81682.81682.8168
En 1852, à Munich, Michel de Tahlberg, fils de l'ambassadeur d'Autriche, aime Thérèse alors qu'on le contraint à épouser Annie, la sœur de cette dernière. L'intervention de la princesse Élisabeth va permettre à Michel et à Thérèse de se marier.
Amphitryon: Happiness from the Clouds, 1h45
Directed by Kurt Hoffmann
Origin German
Genres Comedy, Musical
Themes Films based on mythology, Théâtre, Musical films, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology, Films based on plays, Dans la Grèce mythologique, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology, Molière au cinéma
Actors Willy Fritsch, Fita Benkhoff, Paul Kemp, Hilde Hildebrand, Aribert Wäscher, Ewald Wenck
Roles Production Design
Rating66% 3.330113.330113.330113.330113.33011
Amphitryon is a Theban general away at war. The god Jupiter disguises himself as Amphitryon to seduce Amphitryon's wife, Alkmene.
Les dieux s'amusent
Directed by Albert Valentin
Origin German
Genres Comedy
Themes Films based on mythology, Théâtre, Films based on plays, Dans la Grèce mythologique, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology, Molière au cinéma
Actors Jeanne Boitel, Armand Bernard, Marguerite Moreno, Alfred Pasquali, Gaston Mauger, Florelle
Roles Production Design
Rating53% 2.6873052.6873052.6873052.6873052.687305
Les femmes de Thèbes sont désespérées : Quand leurs maris vont-ils rentrer de la guerre contre la Béotie ? Bien qu'Alcmène semble plus optimiste que les autres habitants, elle est aussi plus chagrinée : elle prie Jupiter de mettre fin rapidement à la guerre. Mais le dieu dort profondément et n'entend pas d'abord l'appel à l'aide, il est réveillé par le bruit des patins de Mercure. Alors que Mercure rejette les gens, Jupiter prend soin d'Alcmène. Il aimerait apparaître dans sa divinité, estimant qu'il tient son épouse Junon sous sa coupe. Il prétend devoir aller à Thèbes pour soigner en cure un mal de dos alors qu'elle lui fait remarquer que les meilleurs médecins se trouvent à Sparte. Par ailleurs, il demande à Mercure de l'accompagner, ce qui le surprend.
Dawn (1933)
, 1h25
Directed by Gustav Ucicky, Vernon Sewell
Origin German
Genres Drama, War
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Underwater action films, Submarine films, Political films
Actors Rudolf Forster, Paul Westermeier, Camilla Spira, Gerhard Bienert, Friedrich Gnaß, Hans Leibelt
Roles Art Direction
Rating66% 3.347943.347943.347943.347943.34794
L'équipage d'un sous-marin allemand sous le commandement du capitaine-lieutenant Liers est de nouveau en mer pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Les hommes ont eu du mal à dire au revoir à leurs compagnes, mais le devoir les appelle. La mère de Liers a déjà perdu deux fils dans la guerre et redoute sa disparition.
Cairo Season, 1h20
Origin German
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy, Musical
Themes Films set in Africa, Musical films
Actors Renate Müller, Willy Fritsch, Gustav Waldau, Leopoldine Konstantin, Angelo Ferrari, Anton Pointner
Roles Production Design
Rating66% 3.3301653.3301653.3301653.3301653.330165
Le Caire, début des années 1930. Ellinor Blackwell est la riche veuve d'un magnat américain et mène dans la capitale égyptienne une vie luxueuse et oisive. Son fils dirige les entreprises de la firme et n'accepte pas le mode de vie de sa mère. Il fui faudrait trouver un nouveau mari, aussi Tobby prend les choses en main. Le jeune comtesse Stefanie von Weidling-Weidling a le même problème avec son père. Malgré son âge, il reste un coureur de jupons, quelqu'un qui jette l'argent par les fenêtres. Tobby a une idée lumineuse : Pourquoi ne pas faire rencontrer les deux "cas désespérés", de sorte qu'ils aient l'envie de se marier et finalement abandonner leurs vies dissolues ? D'abord réticente, Stefanie se laisse convaincre et promet d'aider Tobby dans la mise en œuvre d'un plan. Un premier rendez-vous est organisé dans un hôtel et semble une réussite.
The Congress Dances, 1h42
Directed by Erik Charell, Jean Boyer
Origin German
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama, Historical, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Operetta films
Actors Lilian Harvey, Willy Fritsch, Otto Wallburg, Conrad Veidt, Carl-Heinz Schroth, Lil Dagover
Roles Art Direction
Rating69% 3.4894053.4894053.4894053.4894053.489405
Der Kongress tanzt takes place during the Congress of Vienna, that took place in 1814/1815 after the Napoleonic Wars, a meeting between the powers that was to set the frontiers of the world.
The Congress Dances
Directed by Erik Charell
Genres Comedy, Historical, Musical
Themes Musical films
Actors Lilian Harvey, Willy Fritsch, Conrad Veidt, Otto Wallburg, Carl-Heinz Schroth, Lil Dagover
Roles Art Direction
Rating66% 3.3148353.3148353.3148353.3148353.314835
Christl, vendeuse de gants à Vienne, tombe amoureuse du tsar Alexandre. Metternich tente de s'en servir pour l'écarter des conférences du Congrès de Vienne de 1815.