Aamir (Hindi: आमिर) is a 2008 Indian psychological crime thriller film directed by Raj Kumar Gupta and starring Rajeev Khandelwal. The story revolves around a young Muslim man, Dr. Aamir Ali (Rajeev Khandelwal), who has returned to Mumbai from the United Kingdom and finds himself at the mercy of Islamic extremists who want to carry out a bombing in the city. Its plot is similar to the 2005 Filipino film Cavite.Synopsis
The film begins with Dr. Aamir Ali (Rajeev Khandelwal) returning to Mumbai on vacation. Upon arrival at the airport, an unknown person hands him a cellphone. The caller asks him to follow instructions. Though initially reluctant, he sees a video in the phone and realizes that his family has been kidnapped. Not sure what to do, he hesitantly agrees to follow the instructions when told that his family will be released if he does so.