Chinna Poove Mella Pesu is a 1987 Tamil drama film directed by the duo Robert - Rajasekhar. The film features Prabhu, Ramki, Narmadha, Sudha Chandran and Sabitha Anand in lead roles. The film, produced by S. K. Rajagopal, had musical score by S. A. Rajkumar and was released on 17 April 1987. The film became highly successful at the box office. The film also marked the debut of S. A. Rajkumar, Ramki and Narmadha.Synopsis
Raja (Ramki), a clever student, challenges Rekha (Narmadha), a rich and arrogant girl, to become the number one student. Rekha is the daughter of Michael (Senthamarai). She loses but she falls in love with Raja.