Debipaksha is a 2004 Bengali film directed by Raja Sen and produced by Ashok Basu, Raja Sen, and Sumanta Chowdhury. Partha Sengupta composed the music.
It tells the story of Haimanti, a lady from a pious family who is molested by a local goon. She has to face troubles to establish a new life for herself away from her family. Later, she returns home with a plot to enact her revenge on the criminal.Synopsis
The film revolves around the lives of a village priest, Anandamohan Bhattacharya, his wife Anima (Bhattacharya), and their three daughters. Anandamohan is a dedicated Brahmin priest and tries to follow all the rituals and scriptures wholeheartedly. He named his three daughters Rebati, Haimanti, and Jayanti, the three names of Hindu goddess Durga.