Flame is a controversial 1996 war film directed by Ingrid Sinclair, produced by Joel Phiri and Simon Bright, and stars Marian Kunonga and Ulla Mahaka. It was the first Zimbabwean film since independence set during the Rhodesian Bush War, and served as a tribute to the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army's many female guerrillas.Synopsis
In 1975, Florence, an impulsive young peasant girl from the Mashonaland countryside, decides to run away and join the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) after her father is detained by the Rhodesian Security Forces. She and her friend Nyasha subsequently brave the dangers of the African bush on a long trek to a refugee camp in neighbouring Mozambique, where they are trained as militants by ZANU's insurgent wing, ZANLA. Both adopt new revolutionary identities: Nyasha becomes Liberty, representing her desire for self-sufficiency, while Florence brands herself Flame, representing passion.