Foxes is a 1980 American teen drama film directed by Adrian Lyne (in his feature film directorial debut) and written by Gerald Ayres. The film stars Jodie Foster, Scott Baio, Sally Kellerman, Randy Quaid and Cherie Currie (in her film acting debut). The original music score is composed by Giorgio Moroder, and features the song "On the Radio", sung by Donna Summer.
The film was generally ignored at the box office when it was first released in February 1980. At the time of its release, the film received a positive review from prominent film critic Roger Ebert, who stated, "The movie's a rare attempt to provide a portrait of the way teenagers really do live today in some suburban cultures." It was also one of Jodie Foster's last major roles before she took a four-year hiatus from acting to attend Yale University.Synopsis
A group of four teenage girls in the San Fernando Valley during the late 1970s have the usual problems. Deirdre (Kandice Stroh) is a disco queen who is fascinated by her sexuality, likes boys and has many boyfriend troubles. Madge (Marilyn Kagan) is unhappily overweight and angry that she is a virgin. Her parents are overprotective, and she has an annoying younger sister. Annie (Cherie Currie) is a teenage runaway who drinks and does drugs, and runs away from her abusive father, a policeman. Jeanie (Jodie Foster) has to take care of them, is fighting with her divorced mother, and is yearning for a closer relationship with her distant father, a tour manager for the rock band Angel.