Goripalayam is a 2010 Indian Tamil-language drama film written and directed by Mayandi Kudumbathar fame Rasu Madhuravan. The film stars Vikranth, Harish, Ramakrishnan of Kunguma Poovum Konjum Puravum fame, Manivannan's son Raghuvannan and Poongodi in lead roles. The film released on 7 May 2010 to Moderate responses.Synopsis
Azhagar (harish), son of a police constable, is tempted to take bad habits seeing his father in his younger days. Azhagar along with his friends A to Z (Ramakrishnan) Azhagappa (Raghuvannan) and Inippu Murugan (Prakash) lead a carefree life involving in petty crimes.Unfortunately they hold responsibility in the death of