Grave Encounters 2 is a 2012 Canadian-American horror film, directed by John Poliquin, written by The Vicious Brothers and the sequel to the 2011 film Grave Encounters. It is shot in found footage style like its predecessor and follows a group of devoted fans who break into the same psychiatric hospital to investigate whether the events of the previous film actually happened, quickly becoming the targets of the hospital's malevolent entities. The film was released on iTunes on October 2, 2012 and received a limited theatrical release on October 12, 2012. Grave Encounters 2 became a commercial success, but was a critical failure.Synopsis
Film student Alex Wright and his friends Jennifer Parker, Trevor Thompson, Tessa Hamill, and Jared Lee all decide to produce a documentary about the original Grave Encounters movie, which the entire public aside from Alex believes to be fake. Alex posts an online plea for any information about the film and receives a message from someone named "DeathAwaits6". The message leads him to the mother of Sean Rogerson, the actor who played Lance in Grave Encounters. She believes that Sean is still alive but they discover that she has severe dementia.