Scarecrow is a 2013 Syfy Pictures original horror film directed by Sheldon Wilson. Wilson also directed two other Syfy original films: Carny (2009) and Mothman (2010). The film premiered on Syfy October 19, 2013 and the DVD was released on February 25, 2014.
^ Scarecrow: Lacy Chabert, Sheldon Wilson, Douglas G. Davis, Rick Suvalle: Movies & TVSynopsis
Two teens, Marcy (Lanie McAuley) and her boyfriend Chad go to a cornfield to scare their enemies Nicki and Tyler for posting sex pictures of them on the internet. They head to an old barn where they break the floor and crash into an unknown and dark basement. Marcy injures her thigh and Chad tries to help her. Mysteriously, her blood soaks up below her and a hand comes out and grabs Chad's head. Marcy screams.