Jessabelle is an American supernatural horror film directed by Kevin Greutert and written by Ben Garant. The film stars Sarah Snook, Mark Webber, Joelle Carter, David Andrews, Amber Stevens and Ana de la Reguera. The film was released on November 7, 2014 by Lionsgate.Synopsis
Jessie Laurent, short for Jessabelle, is moving into her fiancé’s house. They have a car accident, killing the fiancé, causing Jessie to have a miscarriage and leaving her unable to walk. The hospital arranges for Jesse's Dad, whom she hasn’t seen for years, to pick her up. Back at her Dad’s house in St. Francis, Louisiana, Jessie is given her mother’s room on the main floor, allowing her to move around in her wheelchair. Jessie's mother died when she was a baby. That night she briefly sees a ghost woman in her bedroom.