Jhing Chik Jhing is a 2010 Marathi-language film directed by Nitin Nandan and produced by Cogito Entertainment Private Limited. It stars Bharat Jadhav, Dilip Prabhavalkar, Madhavi Juvekar, and Chinmay Kambli, Aarti More and Pratik Dalvi.
It tells the story of a boy growing up in a debt ridden part of India, where farmers routinely commit suicide - sometimes with their families - to escape the debt trap. It tells the story of a boy who dares to hope and dream, and who has ambitions of becoming 'someone' in his life. A boy who refuses to let adversity defeat him.
Jhing Chik Jhing is the debut film for both Nitin Nandan and Cogito Entertainment and has won awards in all major award ceremonies held in Maharashtra
^ Indian Express: Jhing Chik Jhing bags 7 state awards, May 1st 2010.Synopsis
Shyam (Chinmay Kambli) is a typical 10 year old boy, mischievous and very inquisitive. His world is made up of his father, Mouli- Bharat Jadhav - mother Manda (Madhavi Juvekar), sister Dipti (Aarti More) & his best friend Gautam (Pratik Dalvi).The family lives in a small house on their cotton farm, somewhere in Central Maharashtra.