Suggestions of similar film to Love
There are 264 films with the same actors, 130 films with the same director, 37144 with the same cinematographic genres, to have finally
70 suggestions of similar films.
If you liked
Love, you will probably like those similar films :
Directed by Roscoe ArbuckleOrigin USAGenres ComedyThemes Politique,
Political filmsActors Roscoe Arbuckle,
Glen Cavender,
Al St. John,
Monty BanksRating54%

Film de propagande pour les War Bonds qui sont les obligations du gouvernement pour financer l'effort de guerre américain. Fatty y rencontre le Kaiser Guillaume II d'Allemagne et le Kronprinz Guillaume de Prusse et leur prédit qu'ils seront vaincus par les « bouts de papiers » (scrap of paper), surnom donné aux War Bonds par les américains.
, 34minutes
Directed by Roscoe ArbuckleOrigin USAGenres ComedyActors Mabel Normand,
Roscoe Arbuckle,
Al St. John,
Joe Bordeaux,
Glen Cavender,
Frank HayesRating66%

The story involves Arbuckle as a farm boy marrying his sweetheart, Normand. They have their honeymoon with Fatty's dog Luke, at a cottage on the seashore. At high tide that night, Al St. John (Fatty's rival) and his confederates set the cottage adrift. Fatty and Mabel awaken the next morning to find themselves surrounded by water in their bedroom, and the house afloat.
, 25minutes
Directed by Roscoe ArbuckleOrigin USAGenres ComedyThemes Films about the labor movement,
Disaster filmsActors Roscoe Arbuckle,
Buster Keaton,
Molly Malone,
Harry McCoy,
Monty Banks,
Alice LakeRating66%

Two men who work as both automobile mechanics and firemen operate a garage in a fire station. A car has been left for them to clean, but they destroy it instead. In the second half of the film, Roscoe and Keaton have been called to a fire, but it turns out to be a false alarm. When they return, they find their own fire station on fire.
, 27minutes
Directed by Roscoe ArbuckleOrigin USAGenres ComedyActors Buster Keaton,
Roscoe Arbuckle,
Molly Malone,
Al St. JohnRating60%

Fatty et Buster travaillent au Grimes General Store. Le premier est coursier tandis que le second est vendeur. Fatty est fortement épris d’une belle jeune fille de la campagne, tout comme son rival, le shérif de la ville. Alors que la belle souhaite recevoir une jolie bague, les deux rivaux vont se démener pour la satisfaire. Le shérif, malfaiteur, subtilise alors de l’argent dans une lettre que doit livrer Fatty et accuse ce dernier d’être un voleur…