Maaran is a 2002 Indian Tamil film, directed by A. Jawahar, starring Sathyaraj, Seetha and Manivannan's son Raguvannan in lead roles. The film, produced by J. S. Pankaj Mehta, had musical score by Deva and was released on 20 September 2002. The film enjoyed a moderate recognition at the box office.Synopsis
Maaran (Sathyaraj) is a clerk in the district collector’s office. His life centers round his loving wife (Seetha), his son (Raguvannan) and his daughter (Preethi Varma). Soft spoken, and a Gandhian to the hilt, Maaran does not stand by any smear on the Mahatma’s name. Being a staunch patriot, he had even named his son Sudhandhiram.