Sivappu Nila is a 1998 Tamil crime film directed and produced by J. George Prasad. The film features Raja and Vineetha in lead roles, with Vinu Chakravarthy, Venniradai Moorthy, Vadivelu, Delhi Ganesh, Chinni Jayanth and Alex playing supporting roles. The film had musical score by Deva and was released on 2 December 1998.Synopsis
Raja (Raja) is a CID inspector of police who is charged to solve the murder of the smuggler Durai. The only clue he would have is that the killer rode a white horse, wore a monster mask and a black coat. Raja falls in love with the soft-spoken college student Raani (Vineetha). He then meets the tomboy Jhansi fighting with some goons. She looks a lot like Raani and she reveals that she is her twin sister. The same killer murders the smuggler Maruthu (Alex). Finally, Raja finds the killer who turns out to be Raani who is also Jhansi.