Manga Latina: Killer on the Loose is a 2006 dark comedy animation independent film by Manga Latina Productions, distributed by H2V Distribution, and directed by Henrique Vera Villanueva. It premiered at midnight on April 28, on the Providence Latino Film Festival, and tells the story of Víctor La Cruz and his friends from El Barrio, in a satirical quest to stop a bloody serial killer.Synopsis
In Manga Latina, Víctor La Cruz, a bold latino young man and El Chucho, an outspoken repairsman, live with their friends in the peaceful El Barrio, located in Manga Latina - "the 52rd [sic?] state in the US". However, a series of disturbing, gory homicides begin to terrorize Víctor's community, and the news of a "killer on the loose" are quickly spread. The media warns about the killer's habit of dismembering victims to the point of leaving them unrecognizable, and that the killer is a master of disguise with more than 300 victims.