Moodar Koodam (English: Fools Gathering) is a 2013 Tamil black comedy film directed by debutante director Naveen. The film stars the director himself alongside newcomers Sentrayan, Rajaji and Kuberan. Oviya, Anupama Kumar and Jayaprakash play other pivotal roles. The film was produced by director Naveen himself under the "White Shadows Productions" banner with Pandiraj releasing the movie through his Pasanga Productions. The music is by Natarajan Sankaran. The film received positive reviews.Synopsis
The story begins with a chance meeting of four youngsters (Naveen, Sentrayan, Kuberan and Vellaswami aka " White " ) in a police station where they are held in connection with a robbery case. Disillutioned with society and their place in it, they plan to rob White's treacherous uncle, who they believe has left for a pilgrimage with his entire family. But instead they find them pretty much at home and find themselves in a quagmire involving money lenders, enforcers and the mafia.