Naruto Shippuden the Movie (劇場版NARUTO−ナルト− 疾風伝, Gekijōban Naruto Shippūden), is a 2007 fantasy adventure anime film directed by Hajime Kamegaki and written by Junki Takegami. It is the fourth movie in the Naruto movie series. It was released on DVD in Japan on April 23, 2008 and on DVD in the US on November 10, 2009.[1] It was announced that the US DVD could be pre-ordered along with the limited edition of Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 before its release. The official theme song for the film is "Lie-Lie-Lie" by DJ Ozma.Synopsis
The film opens with the bad predicting future that Naruto battles a monster that kills him and the Nine Tailed Fox inside of him, impaling him with its tail. A funeral is held for Naruto at his home village, where Sakura Haruno, Rock Lee and Neji Hyuga attending, along with others. Finally, the scene shows Tsunade looking out her window, asking if 'Everything is just decided by fate'.