Sin-Jin Smyth is an unreleased horror film written and directed by Ethan Dettenmaier, based on an old legend inspired by the Kansas Stull Cemetery. The story involves the Devil simultaneously appearing in two places, the high plains of India and a Kansas cemetery every Halloween at midnight.
The film stars professional wrestler Roddy Piper, Jonathan Davis (vocalist of the metal band Korn), Richard Tyson, and Jacqueline Moore. Co-stars are Kevin Gage, Camden Toy, Billy Duffy (guitarist of the hard rock band The Cult), Jenna Jameson and Charles Cyphers.Synopsis
Sin-Jin Smyth takes place over Halloween weekend in an America that has become a police state. On November 2 (The Day of the Dead), two federal marshals report to a Shin Bone, Kansas jail to transfer a prisoner known as Sin-Jin Smyth during a tornado warning.