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Steel is a italien film of genre Drama directed by Walter Ruttmann with Piero Pastore

Steel (1933)


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Length 1h7
Directed by ,    
Genres Drama
Rating65% 3.253383.253383.253383.253383.25338

Steel (Italian:Acciaio) is a 1933 Italian drama film directed by Walter Ruttmann and starring Piero Pastore, Isa Pola and Vittorio Bellaccini. The film was shot on location at the steel mills in Terni in Umbria. It was based on the novel Giuoca, Pietro! by Luigi Pirandello. With its semi-documentary style it was one of a number of films made in the Fascist era that serve as a precursor to Italian neorealism which emerged in the mid-1940s.


Two steelworkers engage in a violent rivalry over a woman.


Trailer of Steel

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