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Of Life and Love is a italien film of genre Drama directed by Luigi Zampa with Turi Pandolfini

Of Life and Love (1954)

Of Life and Love
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Length 1h32
Directed by ,    ,    ,    
Genres Drama,    Comedy
Rating62% 3.1447853.1447853.1447853.1447853.144785

Of Life and Love (Italian: Questa è la vita) is a 1954 Italian comedy film directed by Aldo Fabrizi, Giorgio Pastina, Mario Soldati and Luigi Zampa.

^ Crowther, Bosley. "New York Times: Of Life and Love". NY Times. Retrieved 2008-08-09.


The film tells four episodes from stories written by Luigi Pirandello (from the work: Novelle per un anno).


Turi Pandolfini

(Zi' Dima, mastro del paese)

(Rosario Chiarchiaro)
Myriam Bru

Emilio Cigoli
Natale Cirino

(Don Lolò Zirafa)
Trailer of Of Life and Love

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