The Black Gestapo is a 1975 nazi-blaxploitation film about a vigilante named General Ahmed, who starts an inner-city "People's Army" to protect the black citizens of Watts. However, when the Army succeeds in chasing the mob out of town, Ahmed is replaced by his colleague Colonel Kojah, who reforms the movement into a fascist criminal organization in order to have complete control over the town.
It was written and directed by Lee Frost, and stars Rod Perry, Charles Robinson, and Edward Cross. It also features a cameo from model Uschi Digard. It features African-American men dressed as Nazis and contains many scenes of violence (including a castration scene) and soft-core nudity.Synopsis
De retour de la guerre du Viêtnam, le Général Ahmed crée une milice pour protéger les habitants noirs de son quartier des violences commises par la police et la mafia. Le Colonel Kojah, adjoint d'Ahmed, ne partage pas les vues pacifiques de son chef. Inspiré par le Nazisme, il veut transformer son organisation en une véritable armée, afin d'affirmer par la violence la supériorité des Noirs sur les Blancs. Kojah se comporte alors comme les criminels auxquels il est censé s'opposer.