The Comeback (also known as The Day the Screaming Stopped) is a 1978 British horror film directed by Pete Walker. The film was first released in the United Kingdom on 16 June 1978 and was given a theatrical showing at the Barbican Centre in London as part of a Pete Walker retrospective in November 2014. The Comeback is considered to be more conventional than some of Walker's earlier works and has been credited along with Walker's Schizo as "foreshadowing the development of the slasher movie of the 1980s."Synopsis
The film opens with Gail Cooper (Holly Palance) traveling to her ex-husband Nick's (Jack Jones) apartment in Los Angeles in order to remove some of its more valuable items. It soon becomes apparent that while Nick (a successful singer) isn't at home, someone is clearly there. The anonymous person watches Gail take a phone call from a reporter asking about the couple's divorce and inquiring as to when Nick will release his next album, as he's been on a six year hiatus since marrying Gail. As the phone call ends and Gail walks around the house she is ambushed and murdered by the person, who is wearing an old lady mask and women's clothing.