La Leyenda de las Momias (also known as La Leyenda de las Momias de Guanajuato) is a 2014 Mexican animated horror-adventure-comedy film released on October 30, 2014. Produced by Ánima Estudios and distributed by Videocine, it is the third installment of the popular Leyenda film series, following Nahuala and Llorona. It was released in theaters and in 4DX on October 30, 2014, becoming the first Mexican film to be released in the format.Synopsis
On this occasion Leo San Juan, Don Andrés, Teodora and el Alebrije come to Guanajuato to try and stop the mummies - that have attracted inexplicably - and retrieve her friend Xochitl. With the help of Luis, a friend who know the city, Leo discovers the terrible secret of the wealthy Rosseau, while the rest of the team realize that have fallen into a trap.