The Minus Man is a 1999 film starring Owen Wilson and Janeane Garofalo, based on the novel by Lew McCreary, and directed by Hampton Fancher, who also wrote the screenplay. The film centers on a psychotic killer whom Fancher describes as "a cross between Psycho's Norman Bates, Melville's Billy Budd and Being There's Chauncey Gardner".Synopsis
The film opens as Vann Siegert (Owen Wilson) decides to turn left onto a road, striking out on a new path in life. His first stop is a bar, where he meets Casper (Sheryl Crow, in her first film appearance). They leave the bar together in his truck. Casper asks Vann to pull over at a rest stop to get high. After she shoots up, she balances her syringe on the open glove box, noticing a flask. She asks what is in it, and Vann answers that it is full of amaretto. After drinking it, she passes out. Vann carries her body into the bathroom and arranges it to look as if she overdosed.