The Peacekeeper (also known as Hellbent) is a 1997 Canadian, American action film directed by Frédéric Forestier, and starring Dolph Lundgren, Michael Sarrazin, Montel Williams, and Roy Scheider. The film follows U.S. Air Force Major Frank Cross, who is the only man who can prevent the president being assassinated. He must also thwart an imposing nuclear holocaust. The threat is from a terrorist group, which has stolen the President's personal communications computer; it has the capability of launching the U.S. arsenal. The film was shot on location in the city of Montreal, Quebec.Synopsis
United States Air Force Major Frank Cross is in trouble with the "brass" again. This time he's made an unauthorized humanitarian relief flight and dropped sacks of rice to starving Kurds. To the press, he's a hero, but the Pentagon would like to court martial him. It can't because the President wants the highly photogenic media hero by his side to promote his election campaign, at least until after the next election.